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Why should we all take a positive stance to support spirituality and promote it as a cause for the coming phase of our coexistence in this world…

Humanity is entering into a major change of development in the 21st century, a total breakthrough in science have opened the door to us to understand the universe or rather more appropriately the multi-verse including the world we live in it and broadened our physical and scientific perception of the origin of all of what we experience and depend upon in our existence and advancement as we progress towards a better comprehension of the environment and the impact of our social behavior on it.

As scientists advance in their research of the origin of life and what causes its deterioration, they discover the importance of preserving the balance in nature and above all the balance in human nature, our consumption and adaptation as well as participation in maintaining the balance in nature to sustain living without affecting the norms of evolution of our species.

Where do we come from?

Are we alone in our universe?

Will we be able to sustain life on our planet in future to come?

Will there be a catastrophic extra celestial event that would cause the devastation of our planet, these are but few questions amongst others occupying the minds of our scientific community at large.

Extensive researches are held in all sorts of related fields in an attempt to find scientific answers to the above questions to prepare humanity for what may lie ahead.

Paradetect would like to add one more essential question to that list to raise the public awareness and promote their positive interaction and promote their participation in our cause.

Are we carrying any serious research in the field of spirituality and its impact on our development, Is spirituality and its influence on human social behavior a debated issue in the field of behavioral science and what role do we foresee for spirituality in helping us to improve our understanding of the balance of nature, preservation of our nature and our perception of the origin of life.

Though, we found answers for the many questions raised in holy books and ancient scriptures yet the majority of the scientific community tend to ignore any such references and refute it on the basis that it is not scientific, such belief in my humble opinion raises a pivotal question around the current value of the definition of contemporary science, taking into consideration that science originated from the study of theology and early scientists where almost all of them theologians.

The public is therefore invited to further participate in the cause of spirituality, invest more time in it and support it intellectually and financially…

We like to extend an open invitation to our advocates to fund at least one spiritually driven research in their lives, be it with paradetect or any other similar entity dedicated to that cause.

Invest your time and or money in any of our projects and help us develop it and improve our understanding of spirituality in a better and more scientific approach.

Denote for the cause and be an effective advocate of our self-improvement.

Remember; reading and writing articles and sending likes and nice comments do not help create any research and neither has it helped in maintaining an ongoing ones.

Have a look at our projects in preparation and share with us your thoughts

Our projects like many other spiritually motivated projects in the world need serious investors, crowd funding and public participation in order for it to materialize and maintain its success…

Commenting on this article is one type of contribution; let us hope for positive interaction and higher level of awareness from the public at large.

Let us all consider reviving spirituality in our lives and promote its reliance in our journey of self-improvement.

Good Luck

Adam El Masri

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