
Obama vs Netanyahu

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Another scenario of cold relationship…  If we are to understand the cold relationship between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel,

we may need to look further back in the political history of the latter and his pickering relationship with former American president Bill Clinton.


A serious question mark was and to still surrounds the Monika Lewinski affair with Mr. Clinton, Was Monika Lewinski a sleeping agent for the infamous Israeli intelligence “Mosad” embedded in the white house to be used against Mr. Clinton when need arose at that time! It seems to be a logical explanation to what happened during that era when Netanyahu got himself heavily involved in creating problems and embarrassments to Mr. Clinton trying to make the latter resign his office, Mr. Clinton stuck around till the end of his period as president and somehow got Netanyahu to resign at that time.

It seems to me that Mr. Obama somehow managed to inherit an old personal dispute between Clinton and Netanyahu and having Mrs. Hilary Clinton as U.S foreign secretary probably exacerbate the situation and kept this old dispute alive.

What makes this issue comes back to life in my mind again is the fact that the pivotal subject that would need to be immediately addressed after Obama is re elected again is president is the Iran/Syria problem and what Netanyahu is preparing to do within few months and that is to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities whether with or without the U.S. assistance…

To cut it short, now and Obama is re elected for four new years as the U.S. President what is he going to do about Netanyahu?

A lingering question that needs to be carefully watched out for…

Adam El Masri

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