
Orbs – Hawai

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Phenomena rich with myth nourished by enthusiast’s curiosity ever since the dawn of humanity…

Orb in origin is Latin and it is short for Orbits meaning Circle or to form into a circle or a sphere and it is often used in describing a celestial sovereignty or event.

Orbs are often called as globes, or hovering light balls in an erratic pattern believed by many to be related to spirit world…

Most of orbs are a fluke of digital photography therefore false. However, there are few documented orbs that raise any skeptic eye browse and needs further and serious scientific investigation, though; investigating orbs scientifically is not as easy as it may sound, it is almost impossible to prove the authenticity of an orb photo considering the multiple factors which may influence the emergence of an orb in a photo.

Defining an orb in scientific terms relates it to a sort of particles forming under difference circumstances caused by either dust or change of temperature, humidity and moisture in addition to the flash photography effect…

There is a consensus that multiple orbs in a picture are likely dust motes, this was proved on several occasions by throwing some dust in front of the lens of a digital camera and the dust particles formed multiple orbs therefore it is false orbs.

Most investigators would advice enthusiasts to use a 35mm camera instead of a digital one for more accurate results of orbs photos.

The more genuine orbs are referred to as Plasma Energy Orbs or tropospheric plasma orbs, commonly defined as:  a complex energy structure of atomic parts emerging in photographs when exposed to photons commonly caused by camera flash or in case they collect a large density of free electrons around their outer mantles.

This is a photo of an orb taken by one of our members (Brandon) near a water fall in the state of Hawaii in the United States.

In my humble opinion this orbs seems to be a genuine one that deserves even further investigation.

If you are an enthusiast of orbs feel free to comment on this article or participate in investigating further.


Adam El Masri

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