
Pederasty: Social ills

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Pederasty word derives from Greek origin; (paiderastia) “love of boys”, a compound derived from παῖς (pais) “child, boy” and ἐραστής (erastēs) “lover”.

A form of an erotically related sexual relationship between an adult and an adolescent male who is usually non family member…

Partially neglected or totally ignored yet its impact on youth communities is more serious and maybe considered as dangerous for its victims being a prey or a predator, the child/adolescent or the adult offender who may easily become a molester if not alerted or left unchecked due to his ill behavior.

What is as common is the failure to recognize this misbehavior unless it develops into Pedophilia and becomes a molesting practice, most if not all criminal laws and law authorities do not consider pederasty as a crime unless it results in sexual molestation, though fulfilling a fantasy may involve other fetish means in the mind of a molester.

Anthropological and psychological studies and research showed that a molester may have experienced a sexual and emotional trauma at one stage of his childhood, “a sexual” abuse which resulted to his becoming a pederast in a compelling attempt to relive a childhood trauma and to recreate such an incident or re manifest it in exchange of role from being a victim to becoming the actual performer most probably as a form of relief…

The environment that may generate such behavior is usually influenced by a combination of factors, the presence of a possessive and over controlling mother or maternal figure and a potential child molester relative.

Psychologist recognizes two types of pedophiles; situational abusers (they will molest small children only in certain situations.) and preferential abusers (. They prefer sex with children to sex with adults. They find fully grown sexual organs repulsive and the need to satisfy a fellow adult threatening).

A clinical psychologist concludes that the appeal of children also forms the core of the appeal of women to men in our culture. That is what makes it so easy for a man to transfer his instinctive sexual urges from women to children.

One study found that”25% of a community sample of presumably normal men exhibited sexual attraction to children at levels that equaled or exceeded their attraction to adults, but it was doubtful that such a large number acted on their feelings. Thus the authors concluded that attraction to children does not necessarily correspond to sexual behavior with them”.

“Other studies have found that minor-attracted men have many different attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about children and adolescents, with sexual desire possibly subordinate among them. These men often interact with children or adolescents in non-sexual ways that are playful or affectionate, and sometimes establish close, affectionate, non-sexual friendships with them”.

University of Utrecht researcher Theo Sandfort writes that the interaction between men and boys in such relationships may be frequent, sporadic, or occur in pulses. Sometimes the man is a friend of the parents, and interaction takes place mostly in the boy’s home. The mutual emotional involvement varies from relationship to relationship. Some men who are attracted to boys refrain from sexual activity because the boy refuses it or because the man believes it would involve too much risk.

Anthropologists propose three subdivisions of homosexuality as age-structured,”egalitarian and gender-structured Pederasty is the archetypal example of male age-structured homosexuality. Geoffrey Gorer and others distinguish pederasty from pedophilia, which he defined as a separate fourth type that he described as “grossly pathological in all societies of which we have record.” According to Gorer, the main characteristic of homosexual pederasty is the age difference (either of generation or age-group) between the partners”. In his study of native cultures pederasty appears typically as a passing stage in which the adolescent is the beloved of an older male, remains as such until he reaches a certain developmental threshold, after which he in turn takes on an adolescent beloved of his own. This model is judged by Gorer as socially viable, i.e. not likely to give rise to psychological discomfort or neuroses for all or most males. He adds that in many societies, pederasty has been the main subject of the arts and the main source of tender and elevated emotions”.

Friendships between boys and men who are attracted to them may develop into a s sexual activity and may be initiated by the pederast with the boy’s apparent consent, Some men may have several affectionate relationships with boys occasionally involving sexual contact.

Criminological and non-criminological research found that sexual practices with pre-pubescent children are usually considered to be less severe mostly cuddling, caressing and masturbation. Sexual relationships with adolescents may involve fellatio or intercourse.

According to related researchers sexual activity can occur in the context of various kinds of relationships.

An adult like heterosexual “love affairs” in that the man feels “in love,” expresses affection, desires what he considers a “consenting” sexual relationship, and will stop if the boy resists.

Friendships which involve boisterous sex play without affectionate interaction.

Sexual relationships with gay adolescent boys, for whom feelings of attraction are mutual…

The pederast would desire boys with an age averaging in range from 9 to 15 or even older depending on the age of the pederast, a pederast would look for a gentle meek face or character type to execute his fantasy pursuit with and such relationship would last from three to twelve months. Though, the pederast would have no problems attracting young boys to his lure he seldom keep such relationship for a long time since boys he initiate the act with do grow up into adulthood. The pederast would find troubles terminating his relationship since the victimized boys grow attached to him due to the role he plays in their lives which is usually a considerate listener and participant in guidance, advice and problem solving…

Pederasts are usually not aware of the seriousness of their problems because it is related to fulfillment of their sexual fantasies therefore they tend to deny having a problem and mostly reject it and usually try to increase their knowledge in psychology to hide behind it and protect their secrecy.

Pederasts usually are egocentric master seducers, jealously defaming other adults starting with their own family members, relentless stalkers and talented deceptive liars always ready to twist facts and fabricate stories to the truth of their nature, their ill behavior and their motives; they often describe themselves to be tutors and reformers.

They would spend most their lives looking searching and stalking boys and adolescents and they would go very far in pursuit of their desire, including swapping their careers and chasing posts and positions which enables them to be with boys and close to young victims. Their preferable posts would be coaching, teaching boys junior high schools, scouting and whichever activity that would fit in their job description and succeed in serving their purpose which is interacting with boys.

It is common for pederasts to stay celibate all their lives.

Treatment; a pederast needs to detach himself from boys and seek professional therapy to help him address his problem more seriously, but first he needs to recognize and admit his problem and be aware of its implication on him and on other individuals he may target in pursuit of his sexual urge which can be extremely powerful. Otherwise, he is positioning himself to be eventually labeled as a sex offender at one stage or another in his life.

Therapy needs to focus on encouraging a pederast to find an alternative source and method to release his deviated sexual urges.

Hoping that this article will encourage more extensive research on this topic due to its impact on the youth sector of our communities we hope that we have succeeded in elevating social awareness and motivated authorities to improvise better and more effective laws to enforce on sexual offenders and youth manipulators.

Adam El Masri

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