
Terror in Norway

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An emblem of confusion… Anders Behring Breivik is he not a Christian terrorist who randomly killed innocent people for the sake of killing!

International Media called him mass killer, lunatic, and mentally twisted but they lacked the minimum decency to call the Norwegian massacre a Christian terrorist act and Mr. Andres Behring Breivik a Christian terrorist…

This attitude is what fuels racism and ethnic hatred, it is confusing even disgusting to monitor international media broadcasting all sorts of comments on this horrific incident which proves that terror is not labeled and it extends beyond any cultural, ethnical or religious borders. It is simply an evil driven act of mass killing and it needs no less description when addressing.

What needs to be explained to audience all over the world is why the international media failed to give it the appropriate description till now!

What needs to be explained to international audience is why such a person would pre-plan and premeditate on committing such inhumane act and what drove him to do it.

Mr. Andres thought very carefully and meticulously planned his final play and was and still is convinced that he did the right thing to draw the attention of what he claims to be the islamization of Europe. I wonder what kind of child education he received to become such monster and I wonder if he was to learn that Islam, Christianity and before it Judaism sprouted from one place the Middle East would he still be able to orchestrate such crime!

I wonder if he was told that the Canaanites of the Middle East first started to colonized Europe and the rest of this planet long before any of these three beliefs were even heard of.

It is shocking and surprising to learn that in this global era one may still find such people in an area like Europe which is regarded to be more advanced in its communal structure and enriched culture.

There seems to be a dire need to revise the current educational system in our schools and seriously work on improving its methods, contents of taught materials and ideologies to make it more compatible with the world of today, a world that should be worried about pollution, natural calamities and starvation of an over populated and condensed modern cities waiting for a catastrophic and epidemic misfortune to hit any of our human gathering regardless of ethnicity or creed.

It is time for international politics to alter its path to meet up with a more spiritually oriented goals acutely needed in our present and very small cyber world.

The president of the United States of America is no longer preserved for the USA , by the same token the president of Syria  and his politics can no longer be restricted to impact only Syria…

Our world is connected in such a way linking the whole of humanity all over this small planet.

Hoping that this will awaken all of us to join efforts for a better and more noble cause,  I bid humanity peace.

Adam El Masri

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