
The Art of Social Media

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What is its goal and target? Interaction is the tool of social media, positive interaction enables us to obtain useful feedback from the public, with healthy targeted interaction we are able to create, share and exchange ideas, ideas forms the basic matrix of evolution, progress and social human advancement.

When we interact we provide an appropriate environment to generate new ideas out of debates and discussions and this is the healthiest and most productive method to solve problems. But above all, it is the most important source of information therefore knowledge to develop our minds.

Take for example Hollywood; in my opinion Hollywood has become an independent reality fit to be considered as an independent state built on ethics, dreams and imagination.

The role of Hollywood in its science fiction, historical or social movies production was pivotal in impacting the outcome of our present global culture, I personally regard Hollywood to be the first true global social media forum and tool which triggered the formation of present social media such as Face book, Twitter amongst others and established a new concept initiating a new process of creating, sharing and exchanging all sorts of productive ideas on global levels…

Social media plays a major role by providing the means to spread an idea or a solution helping in its turn to produce new ideas progressively and suggest ways and means to implement it to help solve many problems some of such problems emerged from social media itself.

Social media causes ideas to become viral and that is in itself contagious hence interaction helps to find solutions and remedies to negative and destructive ideas by producing alternatives and optional solutions from different levels of professional thinking, expertise and versatile schools and cultures.

Arab and middle eastern virtual communities are still lacking behind in utilizing social media, though, having said that, it is worth while observing a new phenomena shaping in this region which sounds promising but still is restricted to politically motivated interaction some of which were a tool to instigate the uprising of several Arab societies against tyranny and dictatorships helping to uproot several of them in an enormously short period of time in a very chaotic and  impulsive emotional manner causing even more uncertainty of the outcome of events which is still under the influence of a chain reaction of a spiraling  butterfly effect that needs more professional attention to manage.

Modern social media is expanding in dramatic measures involving individuals from all walks of life, traditions and cultures. It simply provides an opportunity and space for freedom of expression regardless of purpose or creed.

The enormous speed for an idea or a thought to become viral is rather impressive which creates a need to establish a separate authoritative entity to direct, supervise and manage this new reality and the global world it gave birth to.

By establishing this new entity one would secure a positive improvement to this virtual social system and protect it from miss use by crime which corrupts its cause hindering its progress.

To cut it short and avoid sounding like lecturing while preserving the essence of the purpose behind this article which is motivational and morale booster, inviting our readers and participants to increase their interaction with us and share with us their thoughts and ideas to help us get a better and more effective feed back to support our spiritual cause and usher a new dawn to humanity.

You, yes you are all invited to interact with us and lets us work together to improve ourselves and participate in improving our world and introduce a new virtual reality. Who knows, maybe this new virtual reality may metalize into becoming a tangible fact.

Feel free to send us your opinion or share with us your comments, do not limit your interaction with only likes…likes are fine but it is nothing more than a gesture expressing appreciation or a mean of encouragement.

I wish to believe that we are mature enough to go beyond such gesture and put more effort into more effective means of interaction.

Keep the interaction…

Adam El Masri

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