
The Beginning of a Journey

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When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us. – Alexander Graham Bell

So here it is, my story.

There are two types of people in this world. The ones who live a lie, and the ones who live a lie. What’s the difference you ask? Well, one is completely ignorant and blind whilst the other is searching for the truth, holding their heart with both hands in a tight grasp, protecting it with all their soul and has zero intention of giving it up anytime soon.

When I was young, I used to always gaze at the stars in my backyard and I remember asking my dad on one of my birthdays if he could buy me a telescope to be able to take a closer look at what was to me an immense eternal infinity. It captured and intrigued me. As curiosity occupied my imagination, I sit here today remembering that moment. That feeling I felt every time I would look up. The excitement, the inner peace and how innocent my desire to discover was. As I reached my teens, I started to have other desires. Some not as innocent as the one I was used to and in some way very lethal and harmful to my wellbeing.

I was stuck, confused and irritated. The mood swings, the hate, the guilt, and the irrational decisions that I made were all symptoms of a puppet that was continuously being played with. Not realizing what had control over me, I decided to dig deeper into the hole I had already dug for myself resorting to pure evil in its very worst form. I’ve learnt that when one reaches a plateau in their life, they tend to go from one extreme to another and in my case that’s exactly what happened. I didn’t want to be who I was anymore and as I started to fight, the urges became stronger. Making it even more difficult for me yet more exciting for the other guys.

I had decided to turn to my faith. With little knowledge of it I registered myself into a course that taught me about it. As I started to learn, I started to understand and relate certain situations in my life to reasons as to why I had done them. But knowing is not always a good thing. With knowing comes greater guilt. Especially if you are not yet strong enough to fight these battles on your own. I was then living a somewhat hypocritical double life. What had I gotten myself into? I had taken a step forward in my life only to realize I was also taking two steps back.
Within my professional life though, things were going forward. I had made the decision to live and work abroad. That’s when it became more interesting…


This was my first time ever travelling alone and leaving my friends and family for something I had planned to only be 6 months. It’s been a year now since I left my hometown and so far has been the most exciting, challenging, disappointing, fun, valuable year of my entire life.

It started with me falling back into the old routine and habits that I had. Came with that were my mixed emotions adding onto the stressful thought that I was here alone without my family and friends.

As time passed, it was a great opportunity for me to discover myself and with the constant support from Dana and Adam; I am feeling stronger and more stable than I ever have before.

For me, Discovering Paradetect has been the biggest eye opener in the sense that I needed to realize how detached I was from my spirituality.

“Only was it then when he realized, the ball and chains were unlocked from his limbs and the gates flung open with a gust of fresh air that will remain lingering within himself.”

Slowly I am learning and discovering secrets about myself. I have been practicing with my paranormal senses and my own energy. Also Adam has helped me a lot and I trust that he will continue in doing so. I am really excited and eager to start my training with the paradetect team.

I will continue going off track. At the end of the day we are only human. However, the difference is I am now aware of my actions and know what I am capable of overcoming. I will not turn a blind eye, which means I will be able to recover faster from my actions than usual. Leading myself back on track before I know it.
From now on, I will only grow as an individual spiritually and professionally. Slowly building my yellow brick road to success with open arms to accept constructive criticism and train myself for what lies ahead.

There is truly no greater feeling than the feeling of self-security and once you let go of all the silly worries that people nowadays care so much about, the path becomes a lot clearer. You will notice the energy around you and how to manage not getting sucked in with anyone else’s negativity. It’s all about self-control.
Above all things, I’ve learnt that sincerity is KEY.

I hope to share with you many more experiences along this new found journey of mine for it has just begun and I’m ready to go in!


Peace x

Sam Khatib

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