
The Emerald Tablets Quest

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The Origin… To be able to understand the Emerald Tablets one needs to fetch the origin of its author Thoth.

Who is Thoth where did he come from and how did he become Thoth the Atlantian, the author of the Emerald Tablets…

As we have mentioned in several of our previous articles related to that ancient and intriguing enigmatic figure Thoth was known throughout history in countless names and historical character, after all, He is the Atlas, the King of Phoenix, and the Temu or Atum (Egyptian) whose teachings and quotes were carried to humanity across every single culture known to man.

We find his quotes and sayings repeated in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism in addition to Christianity and Islam, in the ancient traditions and lore of all human races, ethnicity and culture; it is really huge, huge to the level that one cannot emphasis enough on its importance to our way of thinking and our culture…
We simply cannot neglect his importance to our history, which leads me to define his case as the Enoch (Akhnohk,or Idris) Factor.

Why Enoch; Enoch is the earliest and clearest reference to Thoth in our recorded history, so I would like to start with this personality as the point of origin in attempting to dissect and analyze it to usher humanity to a new understanding of Thoth and the impact of his message upon our spirituality and the balance of our existence in this life cycle.

The Emerald tablets available to us in present day is a translation of a translation, but the original Emerald tablets is believed to be written in the first know written language to man which is the Phoenician language, that is how he got the title of King of Phoenicia, Land of the Phoenix bird, the bird that is able to be reborn from ashes back to life as a symbol of immortality since he “Enoch” is Immortal by a divine decree directly from the Creator.

Our attempt to decipher the Emerald Tablets of Thoth is due to our realization of its ambiguity and rich metaphoric text which makes it difficult to comprehend without being aided by the deep and thorough historical reference, adding to this the fact that the original Phoenician text is still not found, this demands a careful study of Enoch in all of his known historical characters with all the myth, legend and lore that comes with it not to mention the theological reference which plays a crucial role in shedding more light into this shadowy and vague figure…

Who is Enoch “Thoth or Idris”; He is the Son of Seth son of Adam, Seth was the third son to Adam and Eve,( to some he is also the son of Jared or the son of Lamed and seventh from Adam,  Seth a brother to Able and Cain who is believed to have been a replacement to Able after the slaying of Able at the hands of his brother Cain out of jealousy and envy.  It is also believed that the tomb of Seth is found in the village of Nabi Shieth located in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, anciently known as Pheonicia, not very far away from Kharsag the land of Eden, it is very helpful to read all of our articles related to Enoch, Thoth, Kharsag and Melchizedek to better comprehend and grasp the importance of Enoch…

Enoch or Idris ,Osiris to ancient Egypt meant the son of Earth and Heavens (Geb and Nut) along countless other impressive nicknames to enrich our imagination of his person, to others he was known as a friend of God, or that who walked the path beside God, a very special friend of Arch angel Gabriel who is in charge of conveying and teaching the divine message of God to Mankind.

Enoch, Idris or Thoth is the first and probably only human immortal that walked this planet throughout history!

There is a belief that he was born in the ancient land of Babylon, but I personally believe he was born in present Lebanon the ancient land of Phoenicia where he later became King, and where he first invented writing and where his father Seth was buried near Kharsag one of the first if not the first ever human colony on planet Earth.

I believe that the increasing confusion that surrounds his origin is due to the fact that he existed in every single phase of mankind history after his father Seth due to his role as the immortal teacher and caretaker of mankind and the Immortal King of Earth, when I chose to describe his case as the Enoch Factor I felt it more accurate to refer to him and what relates and derives from him as such so that we may eliminate the time span and intervals ambiguity related to his earthly existence.

According to Hadith of prophet of Islam Muhammad it was narrated that in the latter ascension to the heavens “Mi’raaj” Muhammad met with Idris (Enoch) in the fourth sky and was introduced to him by Gabriel who in turn asked Muhammad to greet him.

According to Islam he is prophet Idris, the Green, al Khodor, the Evergreen saint and prophet whom God raised to heaven and granted him a high status, and who usually appears when miraculous intervention is needed to give help to the needy, he is also mentioned in the Quran as a man of truth, sincerity, constancy and patience.

In his Egyptian identity, Enoch was referred to as A god, Temu, Atum and Thoth or Osiris, one of his symbols as Temu was a sacred hill or an island rising above waters (this could stand for Atlantis) to the Egyptians he was revered as the pre-dynastic man king who was first to attain divinity as an immortal who supposedly resurrected rising above the waters of mortal life.

The title Temu stands synonymous with Enoch meaning the Initiate of Egyptian wisdom in; language, hieroglyphics, numerology, cosmology, geomancy, and the seven liberal arts and sciences, it was adopted later by Hebrews tradition under the name of Kabala, while the Hellenic tradition referred to him as Hermes and so did the Sabaean cultists of mediaeval Arabia and Mandaean Gnostics of ancient Mesopotamia while the Romans knew him by the name Mercurius meaning; the word of Truth.

Note how the number seven as in the seven pillars resonate in his history which repeats itself in the Emerald tablets as well.

That is why it is crucial to read all of the related articles on our website so that one may reach a better understanding of the immortal King and Master of the human race…

The articles related to Enoch found on our website are: The Enigma of MelchizedekThe Cave of Ages, and Eyewitness to EternityEnoch, and The True Identity of Thoth is revealedAbout ThothThe Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and The Book of Enoch, and Kharsag the Garden of Eden.

As Atum he resurrected by projecting his heart, bringing forth eight fundamental principles enshrined within him, together with himself as Atum-Ra they make up the nine Great Ennead of Heliopolis ( Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nepthys) ( Ennead; ancient Greek, meaning a collection of nine things, a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology, worshipped at Heliopolis consisting of Atum and his children, Shu and Tefnut their children, Geb and Nut  and their children Osiris Isis and Nephthys.). Ra signifies Atum manifestation of light since Ra stood for Light and Height, Shu and Tenut as male and female or the opposites, the yin and the yang, Geb and Nut stood for earth and Heaven polarity of Light. Osiris and Isis stood for creative and receptive, as for Seth and Nepthys they stood for the Shadow which defines Light visibility.

According to Egyptians Seth divided Osiris body into fourteen parts which is related to the number 365 the same number of the days in a year in completion of the solar time cycle signifying the full initiate and mastership.

As for the symbol of Atlantis; the constellation of Taurus representing the extraterrestrial Atlantis and the celestial Atlas the Alpha of the zodiac the origin of things which would be the counterpart of the earthly Atlantis of Thoth…

The seven daughters of Atlas known to the Greeks as the Pleiades, signify the major chakra at the back or nape of the neck, the Pan chakra ‘Mouth of God’, Enoch as Atlas was the keeper of balance between man’s heaven and earth affairs, he had the Pillars of Enoch, which was the Pillars of Hercules to the Greeks, and to the Hebrews and Masonic lore it was known by the name of the Pillars of Solomon, that makes me wonder if it is also the Pillars of Gibraltar where according to one myth is an indication to the location of the earthly sunken Atlantis.

It is said that Enoch inscribed his antediluvian arts and sciences, and his Logos of space/time upon these Pillars…

Notice how these details make the Emerald tablet more comprehensible to our minds, yet there are countless other historical details stretching beyond our space and time and beyond our imagination telling all sorts of tales describing Enoch and his Role to humanity.

Being the initiator of wisdom and symbol of truth amongst mankind, the Angel of Presence and Guardian of the seven pillared Temple of Wisdom, Enoch managed to spread his contagious thoughts everywhere we look.

Would Enoch succeed of getting his ancient message to our modern minds!

I hope you have enjoyed this article which I strived to keep it as short as possible to prevent boring our readers with details.

Adam El Masri

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