
The King of Chess

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Lion of Persia… Mr. Larijani  a known Persian philosopher and politician who currently chairs the Iranian Parliament is well known for being one of the shrewdest strategist of modern Iran.


He is visiting Bashar Assad of Syria to evaluate the outcome of the latest clashes between Gaza and Israel that I personally believe he orchestrated.

Mr. Larijani’s next destination is expected to be Lebanon.

Once again Iran successfully proved that the best defense is a good and calculated proxy offense…

Indeed; Israel is embarrassed from the outcome of the last confrontation with Hamas and what Netanyahu hoped for will proof to be harder gain than what he wished for.

I am certain that strategist from all over the world are studying and evaluating the obvious changes that emerged out of the ashes of the ruins of Gaza, the role of Egypt and the impact of the Arab spring on the socio/political new reality in the Middle East, but is that all…

I sense a much greater change in the air of the Middle East after this last confrontation.

Hamas is a Sunni dominated military group which enjoyed one advantage Al Qaida lacks, that is a legitimate goal approved by every single Muslim around the world who is sympathetic with the cause of a 21st century free Palestine…

What I mean to conclude is the fact that this new Hamas victory may very much be hijacked from Iran to benefit other Sunni Middle Eastern and regional powers hungry for more recognized role with a convenient and appropriate post Arab Spring rhetoric to absorb the boiling dissatisfaction of young Arabs throughout the Middle East and that falls within the trip of the ruler of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Al Thani and his generous payoff to Hamas which exceeded the four hundred million US. Dollars prior to the conflict, This is in my opinion a very smart, in fact a genius move by the Qataris leadership and most probably the first step of hijacking the Sunni Hamas from the Iranian tide, then we have the role of Egypt in the mediation for the seizure of bombing from both sides along with the Turks behind the scene support and back up, then we have the Turks asking NATO for the patriot system at their Syrian border…

If we add up all of these things together what will we have! Certainly, first step implementation of a hijacking plan for the Iranian monopoly of Holy wars of the 21st century in our region depriving the Shiites from exclusivity of any future military conflict in the region.

Awesome, I wonder who is behind such devious planning and what will be the reaction of Iran/Hezbollah players in this Chess game which seems to be reaching its end…

Again the Middle East is proving to be a very volatile chess board. Iran playing Offense is best Defense, Israel accepting to withdraw and Sunni Arabs sneaking in to hijack the Holy conflicts, Hmmm, I wonder how will that be translated in the field the coming few months.

I sense an eminent hit on Hezbollah and Iran after neutralizing Syria.

I sense April of next year will hold within its calendar many clues to unsolved mysteries of a stormy Arab winter…

I for one will be very attentively watching events as it unfolds…

Will you!

Adam El Masri

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