
The Pyramid of Giza

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For over 5 millennia, the pyramids conundrum has managed to raise more questions than answers.

Books have been written exploring their mystical constructions and the myth that shroud their role in ancient Egypt attempting to explain how it was built and who built it and why they built it.

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Renown Egyptologists from all over the world garnered incredible efforts to solve the mystery surrounding the pyramids which scatters around several locations upon our planet some in Mexico, Cambodia and the most famous are those in Egypt, they among many discoveries realized that all of the pyramids are actually aligned to certain star constellations and share similar astronomical significance behind its construction and location…

If we take the Great pyramid of Giza as an example, we will find that it consists of around 2.3 million stone blocks weighing about 2 ½ tons each.  Positioned in an amazing mathematical accuracy considering the incredible weight that some of it had which raises even more questions to how it was handled, thought a theory that the ancient Egyptians used hundreds of thousands of labor to move such stones is an impossible to believe assumption, even at present day heavy and modern cranes cannot manage to lift such huge weight and position it exactly where they needed it with up to the inch accuracy, so we need a more reasonable and more satisfactory answers to how they built it, let alone who and why….

The most probable conclusion is that the identity of the builders of the pyramids must have belonged to a very advanced race who either inhibited earth long before Man or simply an alien race who visited earth in the past and probably still are paying occasional visits to us while we are unaware due to our lacking of the technology to detect or trace coming.

Here are some facts related to the construction of the Giza Pyramid near Cairo, Egypt.

The following observation was based upon the findings of the renowned architects and eschatologist Clarence Larkin:

– The base of the Great Pyramid covers about thirteen acres. It consists of approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing around 2. ½ tons each, some weighing up to 50 tons, some huge granite blocks weighing 100 tons, are situated within the pyramid mid structure at a height of 46 meters. The base of the pyramid is a square with right angles accurate to within one-twentieth of a degree. The sides are equilateral triangles and face exactly to the true north, east and west of the Earth.

– The cubit is 25.025 inches (63.5), the length of each side of the base is 365, 2422, the exact number of days in the solar year (including the extra day for every four years).

– The slope of the side of the pyramid is of such an angle that they meet at the apex at the predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. If twice the length of a side at the base was to be divided by the height of the pyramid, we would arrive at the figure of 3.14159, which, when multiplied by the diameter of a circle, gives its circumference.

– The perimeter of the base of the pyramid (365.242 X 4 = 14609.68) is exactly equal to the circumference of a circle, whose diameter is twice the height of the pyramid (232.52 X 2 X 3.1416 =14509.68).  So here we have in these figures the solution to the problem of how to square a circle (see Figure 1).

– The angel of a slope of the sides is 10 to 9. That is, for every 10 feet you ascend, you rise in altitude by 9 feet. And if we multiply the altitude of the pyramid by 10 raised to the power of 9, we have 91, 840.000, which, miles, is the exact distance of the Sun from the Earth.

– The year of the stars is called the “sidereal” year and the year of the season is called “equinoctial.” These differ by about 50 seconds per year. In other words, the stars in their rising and setting are retarded by about 50 seconds each year. For the “side-real” and the “equinoctial” years to come around and coincide again it would take 25.827, or as many inches as the cycle has years.

– The Great Pyramid stands at the exact centre of the world. It is mid-way between the west coast of Mexico and the east coast of China. Between the north cape of Norway and Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, It stands at the intersection of the 30th parallel, both latitude and longitude.

The Great Pyramid was the highest building in the world for thousands of years until modern man began building skyscrapers such the world Trade Center. If it were compared to a skyscraper, the Great Pyramid would be 42 stories high. It contains enough stones to build a six foot high wall from New York to Los Angeles.

According to Researchers Alan and Sally Lansburg the following statistics of The Giza Pyramid are: “Somehow the builders knew that the world was round but flattened at the poles, which caused a degree of latitude to lengthen at the top and bottom of the planet; that it rotated in one day on an axis tilted 23.5* to the ecliptic, causing night and day, and that this tilt caused the seasons; that earth circled the sun once in a year of 365 and a fraction days.

The designers also must have known that earth’s celestial North Pole described a slow circle around the pole of the ecliptic, making the constellation appear to ‘slip backward’ (the precession of the equinoxes), and bring a new constellation of the Zodiac behind the sun at the equinox approximately every twenty two years in a grand cycle of about twenty six thousand years. These facts, too, were part of the internal measurements of the pyramid.”

Adding to it the fact that there are four long narrow passageways built into the Giza Pyramid with two of them facing north and pointing to Beta Ursa Minor and Alph Draconis in Draco constellation, while the other two facing south points to Siruis and Zeta Orionis which the ancient Egyptians associate it with the goddess Isis, and Zita Orionis is associated with Osiris god of resurrection and rebirth. The same applies for the ones in Mexico and Cambodia which also have celestial alignment to Orion, Draco, Leo and Aquarius.

Then there is the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon. One can notice the three huge cut-stone blocks weighing approximately 800 tons each with another 1000 tons block called the Stone of the South that lies not far away from the Temple ruins.

Having all of this in mind what sort of a satisfactory conclusion one can reach else than a certain race of extra terrestrial beings must have constructed and engineered such edifices.

We are told that man evolved from Apes, how accurate is that?

Recent findings unearthed a skull of a human that rebuffs this old theory of evolution. It simply tip the balance to our origin which supports the theological references of us being created from Adam and Eve instead of being gone through a process of evolution which starts from Ape then to Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens  and Human…

If we go back to the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Thoth said that he built the Sphinx and that he belonged to the Atlantian Race, where as in the book of Enoch which I happen to believe that he too is its author and Thoth and Enoch are one person, He says that there was another race (later called by Christianity The Fallen Angels and by Muslims The Shitans or Demons) they were more advanced than man and they descended to Earth and had intercourse with our ancient women and begot a new hybrid race known as the Nephlims the children of the Anunnakies of whom I will attempt to trace in an upcoming article soon.

Confusing as it may be, this article is intended to be as a catalyst for your curiosity to peak more into theological references and try to explore spirituality for more supportive answers to our modern science.

Till our next article we bid you prosperity and good health.


Adam El Masri

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