
Your Dreams – Prophets

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Dreams fall into two categories: first is from the Divine called vision, and the second is from the Devil.

There are forty six characteristics of prophethood, Dreams attributed to the Devil referred to as inductions are best ignored and left unexpressed.

Interpretation of a vision is based upon comparison and assumption.

It is suggested for the dreamer of an undesirable dream to change his sleeping position, ask refuge from God, spit three times to his left, perform prayers, and not refrain from sharing the dreams with others.

Vision seen the daylight hours morning till midday is considered most accurate.

When seeking interpretation of a dream one must avoid sharing it with ignorant or envious persons, and make sure to be accurate in relaying the exact narratives.

Dreams of prophets relate to positive outcomes or an alerting factor.

1-    Seeing a prophet in his actual nature relates to positive outcomes of the dreamer.
2-    If the prophet is dissatisfied this may relate to an upraised way of conduct.
3-    Killing a prophet may denote disloyalty or distrust.

Adam: represents sovereignty or misleading behavior. If Adam is in questionable moods this may denote to a temporal change of location. If Adam is giving something it will denote to wealth, children and contentment.

Enoch: piety, divinity and honor.

Noah: longevity, inflictions from adversaries and a good wife and good children.

Hud: defaming attempts and a chase after livelihood.

Saleh: same as Hud

Abraham: a trip to pilgrimage or an infliction caused by tyranny, a victorious ending and a pious wife or in some cases a quarrel with the father.

Isaac: a calamity from a leader or a relative which will be honorably overcome, if Issac is distressed it may indicate to a loss of sight.

Ishmael: a politician in nature and an eloquent speaker and at a distance from a father.

Jacob: sadness mainly caused by children.

Joseph: slandering and inequality from kinsmen ending with victory at the end.

Yunus: awaiting inheritance, angry nature, having enemies.

Shu’ayb: Loss of sight subjected to injustice or begets daughters.

Moses & Aaron: defeating a tyrant and victory.

Job: Loss in kinship and wealth which will be generously compensated.

David: Sovereignty, power and properties.

Solomon: Sovereignty, wisdom, jurisprudences and knowledge.  Many journeys, If Solomon dies this may mean a death of a leader.

Zakariah: will beget righteous child at old age.

Yahya: Modesty, piety, and chastity placing him as an idol of his time.

Jesus: a godly blessed good doer who Journeys across in the service of mankind with his medical knowledge. If he appears on a pregnant women this may indicate to having a wise and godly child.

Virgin Mary: Fulfillment, achievements and great resourcefulness. If prostrating to Mary it may indicate to audience with an Archangel.

Daniel: Fortunes, Knowledge and dreams interpretation, Victory over tyranny and belongingness of prophet hood.

Al Khudr: Fertility, abundance and security.

Being beaten by a prophet is a fulfillment of aspiration. Being one of the prophets indicates to hardship to that experienced by the prophet he sees.



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