
Aliens – Fact or Fiction

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Alien’s debate remerged after an interview with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who confirmed alien’s existence stating that they even walk amongst us and are behind some of the modern technology that we enjoy today such as microchip, and LED light…

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Hellyer went on adding that there are 80 different species of aliens varying in shape and form some of whom are similar to human image enabling them to mingle amongst us without being recognized, some of them come from one of Saturn’s moons even as far as Pleiades and Zeta Reticul star systems and that they come to our world through a portal in the Andes mountains in Peru. But there is nothing new about Hellyer claims and he is not the first and won’t be the last to raise this issue again, many before him had similar claims some of them were reputable scientists and astronauts not mentioning Area 51 and all the obscurity that shades its secrecy, a secrecy we will not speculate in this article since our aim is attempting to locate other references to substantiate their existence.

Having that mentioned I would like to suggest to the advocates of alien existence to search for hints about them in ancient mythology and Holy books, I for one find ancient mythology and Al Quran to contain ample information about the aliens, their existence and nature, some in very interesting details such as what is found about them in the Quran, though in the Quran they are referred to as Jinn whereas in other Holy books they are referred to as demons and spirits as in ancient mythology…

I would want to focus on an alternative root most of their species choose to use to penetrate into our world and that is from a parallel world coexisting with our own three dimensional world encouraging me to believe that our three dimensional world might consist of more than three dimensions which can only be accessible through a specific state of sub consciousness of the mind.

This assumption is based upon logic, a logic enabling them to mingle with our world without having any difficulty to adapt to our atmospheric conditions.

That of course does not discard the existence of other extraterrestrial alien species that comes from outer space.

The species that lives in parallel world are most probably multi-dimensional aliens and according to Quran they would be much older species than ours therefore much more advanced than humans and they seem to have discovered several portals enabling them to jump between worlds unnoticed (read NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field).

Such portals would probably open at specific times or under specific conditions that they have learned to master navigating through it at some ease while we humans can only do it subconsciously during our sleep or during our theta and delta brain state…

It is worth noting that Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell claimed that we are in contact with aliens for over 60 years and that its been covered up ever since, he added by describing the beings as little people who look strange to us. Similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head, and that our technology is remotely close to theirs…

Aliens in mythology:

Alien Jinn in mythology are traced back to the dawn of man on planet Earth which was the home of many of their species long before we dwelt it.

Ancient aboriginal tribes of the primitive era have included them in their tales for thousands of years ago.

The Book of Enoch not only extensively mentions them but it also tells of how they shared our beginning by living amongst us, mingling with us mating with our specie and bringing to life another mixed and hybrid specie of men and elves known by the name of Nephilims in Hebrew culture.

The evil ones were mentioned in The Emerald Tablets which is also found at our website along with most of the references related to this article.

The Sumerians and Babylonians had them carved on their temple walls and stone tablets.

The Kebra Nagast tells of their involvement with King Solomon as does the Holy Quran which not only tells their story with King Solomon but it also mentions their apparent involvement with Prophet Muhammad when they overheard Al Quran recital and asked of Muhammad to teach them Al Quran after that several of their tribes converted into Islam and one of the Major tribes who was the first to convert was known as the Al Nasibayn Tribe “Say (O’ Muhammed): It has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened and said; ‘Indeed we have heard a marvellous Qur’an. It guides unto righteousness so we have believed in it, and we will never make partners with our lord'” (Surah Al-Jinn 72:1-2) .

One Thousand and One Nights is rich in telling amazing tales of all sorts of alien jinn interacting and socializing with our specie. Such tales in mythology does not come from the void there is always an origin to tales especially when it is shared by almost all human cultures throughout history…

In the Holy Quran there are many verses that explains their creation process, their nature, and potentials and it goes as far as explaining that they were created before man and some of them enjoys great powers and capabilities which exceeds our imagination even at this modern day and age, such ostensible capabilities were utilized by King Solomon to erect his palace and probably temple as well, it also shows how one of them offered to bring Solomon the throne of Queen Sheba from Ethiopia in few minutes the distance of such teleportation of the throne would have been over five thousand miles…

One verse from Quran says; (43) The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein praise Him, and there is not a thing but hymneth His praise; but ye understand not their praise. Lo! He is ever Clement, Forgiving.

Alien jinn seem to have a great advantage over mankind by being able to see and watch us without being detected by us; “Indeed he (Iblis) and his tribe watch you from a position where you cannot see them” (Surah Al-A’raf 7:27).

Being unable to see microbe or an atom with our naked eyes does not eliminate its existence, it simply defines it as invisible and undetectable to us. Aliens are called Jinn in Arabic because the word Jinn is synonymous to invisible…


Adam El Masri

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