
Energy Healing at Work – Suhair Case

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Suhair suffered from left leg paralysis and right light semi paralysis, she tried all related fields of medicine but was unsuccessful in solving her problem which lasted for several years.

Suhair heard of paradetect and was desperate to try any available methods even energy healing.

After visiting our temporary center in Tripoli she explained to us her problems and her failure to get any positive results from ordinary medicine and that she was ready to try anything new if we can promise any improvement for her case using energy healing technique.

We began sessions with her by scanning her damaged legs and commenced applying our energy healing techniques for four sessions a week stretching for a period of two months.

Suhair is still in need of total recover but the improvement was amazing, she regained normal movement in her right leg and achieved an 80% improvement in her left side from hip down to the foot.

She started walking now with some assistance sometimes with a walking stick other times with someone to lean upon while she takes her pace towards total recovery hopefully in the foreseen future.

Paradetect have learnt a great deal from Suhair case, things such as having properly equipped center specialized in our type of energy healing service would be a great help for cases similar to Suhair case.

So says energy therapy is a must to have as an alternative healing option?

We do

The Para Team

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