
Energy Healing Progress – 21st Century Healing

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A noninvasive complementary treatment, include para energy healing, therapeutic touch, Reiki, chi kung, shamanic healing and healing touch, among others.

Our universe is fully of energy and we are part of this universe therefore one of the natural channels of this energy, some of us learn how to utilize such energy to serve a better purpose for humanity. There are countless possibilities where energy healing may be applied and such application is ancient before and after the miraculous wonders demonstrated by Jesus along with many other prophets of the divine and messengers of God.

The National Institutes of Health in USA is funding studies to evaluate the effectiveness of these therapies and to further comprehend their ability to achieve results.

Over one hundred hospitals in the USA have been recorded to establish an energy healing facility within their medical compounds after recognizing the benefits energy healing brought upon many of their patients by speeding up their recovery and reducing their pain dramatically, one of such hospitals is Scripps Green Hospital in La Jolla, California where according to USA TODAY one of their patients Susan Iliff who credited her speedy and painless recovery after an open heart surgery not only to her doctors but also to an unconventional healing touch therapy she received at Scripps Green Hospital by a nurse guiding her hand along Iliff’s legs and feet and then lightly touching her elbows, wrists and forehead, stopping at each point for about a minute. By the end of the 30 minute session, Iliff would fall asleep in her hospital bed claiming that this exercise successfully put her into a deep state of relaxation; this incident took place between 2002 and 2005.

An associate professor of nursing at the university of Texas Health Science Center in Houston and a healing touch provider said; “Hospitals are being motivated by patients asking for complements to traditional care and that this healing therapy technique did not involve any massage, it was a hand hovering technique over the body helping to re-pattern the patient’s energy field accelerating the healing of the body and mind…

According to Healing Touch International, a non-profit Colorado group that certifies practitioners there is more than 86,000 nurses and other health professionals using the healing touch technique at many US. Hospitals and other privately owned practices charging a 100 $ an hour more or less…

Preliminary studies show that many medical conditions did improve after healing touch technique causing the list of the believers in it to increase amongst patients and doctors alike…

This new reality is motivating many medical doctors to support this treatment since there is not harm in it, and it is also encouraging patients to request having it for the sake of their early recovery, where as many hospitals are adding it to their list of services for the sake of health improvement and science.

Energy healing is still not fully understood but demand for researching is ever growing and future holds many surprising outcomes to support its benefits.

Paradetect successfully developed a new energy healing technique combining methods of the old and science of the new to usher a new dawn in the energy therapy known as the para energy healing technique.

With this technique paradetect worked and healed varied conditions and still experimenting and many other possibilities sharing its benefits with the public and inviting medical specialists and researchers to participate in this quest hoping this attempt will initiate an international awareness to improve public health and make it accessible to rich and poor alike, Autoimmunity was one of the cases recently healed using the para energy healing technique along with many other cases found on paradetect website Cases We Healed …

Personal counseling to determine the cause of a problem followed by energy body scan to identify the energy field disturbance followed by healing sessions is proving to be very successful in tackling all types of health issues and problems encouraging us to continue our research and experimentation to further develop the para energy healing technique.

Though traditional science is still to tangibly prove how energy healing works patients and clients who try the para energy healing technique can immediately sense the energy generated by the healer penetrating their bodies in the form of heat or pressure and the majority of them can feel the difference in their state of body and mind and this is enough proof to keep developing it in search for better health.

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Adam El Masri

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