
Lucky Israel

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While the Israeli military indulge in bombarding everything that moves in Gaza we hear on news media Palestinians cursing other Arab countries and wishing they taste the same destruction to their countries instead of aiming the swearing and cursing on Israel, indeed, Israel is lucky…

This somewhat reminds me of a joke I heard long time ago it talks of the day of judgment when nations were summoned before God by the angels; when the Americans were summoned before God they were asked by God about their desire and God promised to fulfill it for the first American then the next American would be granted two folds as an act of generosity from God, the first American wished he would be given a nice care and automatically he was granted his desire and the next American go two cars, the French asked for a nice woman, he got his wish and the next Frenchman was granted two women, then came the turn of the Arabs, the first Arab stood before God silent and hesitant with dazzled eyes he held his fingers before his eyes counted and calculating while scratching his head deeply thinking, then came an angel and questioned him about the reason why he is not saying what he wished for, the first Arab replied to the angels questioning that if he ask for anything would it mean than the next Arab would be granted two folds, the Angel answered with affirmation yes, the Arab then asked that God would remove one of his eyes…

I will leave the conclusion for you to calculate…

Hoping that the Palestinians would aim their curses to the right targets and bit them peace and prosperity and bid you all the peace from within.

Adam El Masri

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