
OBE Experience

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OBE stands for Out of Body Experience which is the experience of sensation of floating with the astral body outside the physical body.

There are several types of this experience recorded by observers; the spontaneous OBE, the near sleep and during lucid dreaming specifically when sleep paralysis occurs…

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Statistically one of ten has at least experienced an OBE once in his or her life.

OBE was previously referred to using other terms such as Astral Projection, Soul Travel, or Spirit walking.

The cause of this phenomenon is believed to be induced by brain traumas, sensory deprivation, near death experience, psychedelic drugs, dehydration, sleep, and electrical stimulation of the brain and with deliberate induction.

Scientifically OBE is categorized as hallucination caused by neurological and psychological factor, or severe emotional shock, a major surgery a life threatening situation and anything that involves extreme reaction …

Spiritually OBE when the etheric (the spirit, soul or astral body) body releases itself from the physical body. The difference between these terms lies in the living status of the individual, when life ceases the etheric, astral body or spirit becomes Soul the very living force within us which also shares similar characteristics to the substance of the force of creation, This substance is most probably electromagnetic and plasma like with limitlessly flexible and stretchable nature permitting it to reach anywhere in the cosmos, to reach the seventh heaven per say…

Ever since ancient time spiritualists practiced some sorts of OBE rituals to achieve remote viewing, many inventors and reformers admitted getting their ideas while dreaming…

On the other hand there is an induced OBE; various methods to induce OBE have been developed by researchers in related fields of study.

The orthodox and most common technique to experience OBE is deep trance through targeted meditation, targeted with a pre intention to achieve OBE experience.

Mental induction is falling asleep in a wakeful state of mind while the body sleeps causing a drift or slipping feeling when the mind is still in its alert state it very much feels like leaving ones physical body, the teetering technique seems to be helpful in moving deeper into relaxation when attempting to induce an OBE…

One interesting technique helps in achieving mental waking while physical sleeping through lucid dreaming practice, once lucid the dreamer may redirect the subject towards OBE by erasing the subject related image to get to the sleep paralysis state gaining recognition of separation of the astral from the physical body.

Brainwave synchronization via audio/visual stimulation generating binaural beats is also helpful in inducing specific brainwave frequencies for an OBE experience the most successfully recorded frequency is 4 Hertz, however human brains do not respond in a unified way, therefore the frequencies most related would range from 4 to 13 Hertz, the scientifically recognized frequencies related to theta waves and dream can range from 13 to 19 Hertz again human brain varies in its responses based upon the individual…

I personally use a more traditional technique by specific pattern of breathing and special sedating voice tone I use to talk myself into relaxation, though it’s difficult and needs lots of training but it serves its purpose for me…

Our Paradetect Ascent crash courses also helps individuals to sharpen their senses and master their control by applying specific techniques to help reach deep relaxation and targeted meditation, we also use our bio energy to magnetically stimulate the brain vestibular cortex which stimulates the brain’s perception that is the  portion of the brain related to  Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

One of the most common methods to reach an OBE experience is by sensory deprivation technique such as extreme fasting, sleep deprivation for two to three days and REM technique (rapid eye movement), these techniques maybe applied by beginners till they get familiar with the experience.

It is essential to learn how to remember your astral OBE clearly so that you may reenter your physical body at will when need calls for it, thought this usually is achieved naturally and instinctively when sudden sounds or movements are sensed by the practitioner of the art, however when one journeys into the unknown one may encounter beings from different worlds and dimensions who may intrude on the astral traveller or interrupt the astral journey of the traveller, OBE as a phase of astral travelling which if not perfected may lead to risky encounters such as what Thoth warns of in his Emerald Tablets (also the Deciphering of the Emerald Tablets) Thoth is considered to be the first master of Astral Travel and Astral Projection and one will find interesting details covering this episode in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth…

It is worth mentioned that there are several scientific institutes established for the purpose of researching, observing and initiating the induction of OBE and Lucid Dreaming in the USA, Russia and Brazil and Portugal…

Hoping we have covered the essentials of OBE experience I bid you joyful reading.


Adam El Masri

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