
Obesity and Overweight

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What you need to know to keep a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Overweight is a result of obesity. Lack of Energy Balance caused by overeating simply means the daily intake of energy exceeds the ideal level of energy needed to burn to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

What causes obesity hence overweight is individual behavior and life style.

Genes and Family History plays a minor role in metabolism malfunctioning in hormonal fat burning process, though Studies show that genes have a strong influence on a person’s weight. Overweight and obesity tend to run in families and still may increase chances of being overweight if any of the parents are overweight, genes may also affect how much fat is burnt and which part of the body it stores fat, Africans and hot climate indigenous tend to store fat around their hips and buttocks area. One may also inherit a specific behavioral pattern from parents such as sharing food diet, nature of physical and social activities and habits which may indirectly cause obesity or overweight.

Medically a specific Health Conditions may also play a role in influencing the process of fat burning is the under-active thyroid hormone which doesn’t generate enough thyroid hormone resulting in slowing down metabolism.

Specific medicines may also cause gain weight specially antidepressant and seizure medications which slows down the rate of fat and calories burning process.

And let’s not disregard the emotional factors which may cause some people to crave for more food especially sweets since sugar taste and chocolate like deserts may reduce tension.

Kicking off a habit such as smoking may also cause people to over eat.

Weakening of muscles especially abdominal and hip muscles may also play a role on burning less of stored body fat and calories.

Post pregnancy and menopause and lack of sleep are also accused of causing weight increase.

The average amount of calories needed daily is between 1800 to 2200 calories a day depending on individual’s mass body size and the nature of person’s daily activities.

How can we maintain our calories and fat burning balance is simple, we need to be aware of how we live and what we eat, stay away from processed sugary and fatty foods and drinks, alcohol is one of them, physical activity is a must for our health a minimum of one hour walk per day is the best detoxification method to stay fit and keep healthy balance.

If needed one may take fat burning medicines after consulting with medical doctors to make there are no side effects from certain medicines sold on the counter of pharmacies all over the world.

Paradetect experimented on energy healing and essential oils and found it very helpful hence developed energy healing weight loss program and Auraiel XFat & Cellulite oil to help speed up the weight loss process and the results were very satisfying, some of those using the Paradetect Technique and product were able to lose 20 kg. in three months others succeeded in losing 35 kg. In four months which is regarded to be a great result considering the most people slowdown in losing weight rate after the first ten kg.

Losing weight needs a strong will power and a total change of lifestyle.

Good luck

Adam El Masri


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