
A Glimpse of our Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious

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Lucky are those who are in control of their ACTIONS. Wise are those who are in total awareness of their EMOTIONS.

In ultimate PEACE are those who alter their HABITS and make them in harmony with their emotions and actions…

Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious are the everlasting bond which make us who we are… I call them the “Power of 3”.

I have been in continious and constant search of my own key to my own temple…

We always ask for help, advises, guidance because we are still unaware of our CORE CLICK.

A CLICK when discovered will solve the ridle of YOU.

I used to deal with my “Power of 3” in a wrong way, a way that led me nowhere but going in circles stuck in my own labyrinth of mind games…

I started learning how to know my Self Mechanism by starting with my CONSCIOUS.

By being aware and thinking before acting made me in more control of my actions. But then there is a slip in my action, eventhough I’m totally aware of the action while doing it!!!! HERE something clicked…

How come I am in control of my actions and I am always aware, then how come I slipped??? It was like watching myself, feeling, thinking, doing and observing at the same time. WOW!!! SO AWARE!!!

But how did I made this slip while totally aware of my actions???

HERE comes the Role of the Subconsious…

So a NUDGE occurred in my conscious stating that there is something stronger!!! And to be in control of the conscious and my actions is not enough to be safe and prevent myself from slipping again and again…

It’s known that emotions are strong motivators for the Self, that our actions are based upon our emotions and feelings; some we are aware of and others are just lurking in the dark.

The Subconcious works in the most unexpected moments of our daily life.

A clear explanation of the subconscious interference is like pouring water into a glass till the glass is full and the water starts pouring outside the glass.

Imagine all our deep emotions that we runaway from since childhood!!!

This container of burried emotions will reach to a level where it is full and will pour outside; and here when the subconscious starts appearing in our actions which I call it a SLIP…

Here is another NUDGE!!!

In the subconscious state, the state to be able to master the emotions, we need to be in TOTAL ULTIMATE HONESTY with the SELF.

To be honest with ourselves, we start observing our feeling related to a specific emotion neutrally. When observing neutrally, we directly know if we are deceiving ourselves or not… we start solving our deep emotional problems by understanding its origin, how it affected us and to differentiate if it’s healthy to keep it for our wellbeing or simply alter it and overcome it.

Overcoming here means stepping over it without any flight or resistance or holding to it.

Here the UNCONSCIOUS Role comes…

The unconscious is the collection of habits we gained since we were born.

Imagine this enormous infinite amount of collective thoughts, emotions and actions throughout the years we are unaware of registered within us…

We reach to a point where we are unable to tap into our unconscious without the help and guidance of a TRULY SKILLED MASTER who knows all the tips and tricks and knowledge to lead us to our forgotten burried existence to be able to alter it and heal it.

The moment we become aware of our subconscious then it is the STEPPINGSTONE  to our unconscious.

It is the toughest stage which is altering an emotion to control its affecting behavior, and we can do it by changing its HABIT.

The only way to alter the unconscious is by Positive Altered Behavioral Accumulation for a good period of time ranging between 2 months up to 6 months more or less depending on the intensity of the habit with positivity, motivating thoughts and emotions and actions.

To retrieve who we really are, who is burried deep down, needs a TRUE MOTIVATION…

When I look at my past self and compare it with my current present self I feel joy, I feel blessed, I feel motivated enough to break the old habits for the good new ones….

Are we all seekers for the ultimate peace, harmony, unconditional love and contentment!!!

Peace to all of you from a humble soul roaming in this universe…


Dana Arnaout

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