
Born Again…

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I am a new Paradetect member…and it’s my pleasure to be one…I am 29 Years Old and a mother of 2 kids. I have successfully accomplished my Ascent Crash Course for Self Improvement and Bio-energy healing and i would love to share with all the readers my experience after my course.

I have decided to take the course because i was LOST… looking for MYSELF and couldn’t find it…My days were passing on a daily routine… My work which i love and very successful at… I love being a mother and enjoy every single minute with my kids… My husband is a bless… My parents are my support and blessed having them…I have lots of friends and we always together… YET something was aching inside me… My SOUL… MY HEART… I HAVE A BIG HOLE INSIDE ME that is not making me satisfied… I LACKED PEACE INSIDE ME… i was struggling from inside… I don’t know what i want… I don’t know what makes me happy… I WAS SAD.

At the beginning of my course i was doubting its results… i know there was of course a benefit out of it… but not what i have reached right now.

My course was a Crash course was done in 5 days…17.5 hours in total…Lots to understand and lots of things to practice…The Breathing technique was the first to start with and was the most difficult for me! Imagine!!! Although i look after my health in what i eat and i practice Yoga… yet it was a struggle for me to breathe properly… But with the Master Adam El Masri and with my willingness to do it… I successfully did it… With more of sharpening my main senses (details of the course can be found on the website)

What is most important for me to share with you is my Experience after the course… But before i start… I would like to say that all of what i am experiencing is 100 % true without a single exaggeration…
The day after my course i have experienced my first Energy Healing Technique with one of my friends who was suffering from a headache…she asked me to try to heal her…and i was like WHAT?? ME?? NO WAY… i was honestly worried… well yes I have generated energy during my Ascent course…but i don’t have the guts to start healing people the second day…I told my friend that i need to train myself for a while…I WAS’NT READY… She insisted …and she told me to train on her…and she understands that if i fail to do so… I am still a beginner ….

Here we go…Breathing and breathing and i have set all my intentions to generate positive energy to heal her… all I felt was love…i want to send love…i believe in what i do…and Surprisingly she sensed the ENERGY…Of course i have sensed it to…and she told me she was slightly better…and i was like ‘Slighlty’ ? THANK GOD YOU FELT IT ANYWAY 🙂

And at the same day I tried the same on my husband and another friend… and they have felt the energy too…even the energy generated each time was stronger than the one before…ISN’T THAT AMAZING !!

I will take you quickly through all the people I have tried to heal…A friend of mine had a knot at the back of her neck …which was clearly seen…after she asked me to try to help her…the knot got smaller ! She was surprised because she was doubting it.

Again i have tried on husband …on his forehead..and what he told me that he was sensing lots of heat and as if there is a ray between my palm and his forehead …as to mention as well that I have tried giving in energy to my kids when they sleep…Not importantly to give energy to someone when this person is feeling pain…you can give them energy to help them maintain their whole body energy…to be active if they are lazy… to sleep well etc… Last Case was today…My brother who was doubting it as well… and he was Flattered… He told me that he felt heat, he felt a numb sense…he felt my hand motion…and i started going through all over his chest…and arms and going back to the head…he was almost sleeping…didn’t know why but I was still giving him energy…as soon as i stopped…He was awake ! He told me that it’s so sensible and he could feel it all over his head up and down..

Astral body experience!! Yes i have experienced it as well… and i couldn’t believe it until i told My Master Adam EL Masri and he confirmed that its true… It was so quick ,for 2-3 seconds…I have seen myself sleeping…My Astral body was looking at my actual body and I have seen both…Hilarious !!

I am Bright now…I found myself …i have a pleasure in everything I do…I still do the same exact things I used to do…my routine is the same…but its me who Changed ..I became so aware of everything around me…I have control…I have control of my feelings, over my thoughts…I am in LOVE…I see things differently…I smell differently…I look to my family with a different eye…with pleasure… I listen to songs differently… sensing each and every word… My Prayers to GOD are calmer…I feel so connected. My Yoga practice is different … My relation with my husband is going to a new route…a better route and I am loving it…My husband and mother say I am Glowing and Shinning…and honesty I am sensing it too…and Flattered 🙂

I learnt in my course How TO DREAM… How TO WISH… It’s all about achieving your dreams and wishes come true… The Ascent Course triggers your senses and your spiritual feelings … The Course trains you how to be yourself…How To Be ORIGINAL… I am being myself now… I am working so hard to maintain what I have reached…I know there is a lot waiting for me out there…and I am happy to Receive and Chase …

I am so Thankful to God … that he put me on the right route on time… I am blessed having my husband and parents supporting me to go through this course …I am so thankful to Samia Moussa who encouraged me a lot through this…last but not least…Master Adam El Masri who believed in me… gave me a lot of confidence …listened to all my thoughts… the good and the bad…all the confusions I had I threw it on his lap…and he was professionally and with lots of patience and professionalism re-directing them on the right track…

All the above is what I have experienced so far…Maybe to some people that would not be of interest…maybe to others it would be… But believe me…Each and everyone of us has a very special gift inside… with the Ascent course you will be able to bring them LIVE ! Faith…Practice…Challenge…LOVE…

Thank you …Bless you all.

Jilan Elkady

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