
Lebanon Bears the Brunt

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Yet again Lebanon bears the brunt of regional and international conflicts and disputes. Syria, Iraq, and Yemen crisis are marooned on the shores of international politics squeezed between a rock and a very hard Iranian gambling for a future seat amongst nuclear powers.

Isis international reminds us of the late Fat-hul Islam few years back, the Yemeni Houthis reminds us of similar incidents took place in Lebanon years back which is almost identical of what the Houthis are doing in Yemen…

Israel scorches Gaza…

Suddenly international powers realize the long due need to re arm the Lebanese army…

United States forms an international support to chase after Isis threatening to reach Syria…

I smell something burning in our kitchen!

Will Lebanon end up paying the Iranian bills again?

Hezbollah is restraining and refraining, but for how long can Hassan Nasrallah prevent the Iranian flame from igniting the Lebanese stage is rather doubtful.

The United States have turned the table on Iran and check mate status is their current move, Iranian politics fired back upon them and the only way out for them is to instigate havoc all over the region under its influence.

Emirates, Egypt and Saudi Arabia sense the danger and Turkey is searching for a way to keep out of what is coming…

The only one certain fact is Islam, Christianity and even Judaism seems to be hijacked by politicians nowadays…

Beware Lebanon for what is coming may bring you back to a detested past we all want to forget…

Who says spirituality is not an answer!

Adam El Masri

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