
Ouija Board

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A portal to the spirit realm… For those not familiar with Ouija Board it is a flat board usually made of wood marked with the alphabet letters, numbers from 1 to 9 and the words Yes and No, some latter editions added the Hello and Goodbye on it…

Listen to Ouija Board on youtube

The Ouija Board came to be popular in the 1890s when Elijah Bond commercialized it but the idea goes back thousands of years before that, China was one of the cultures that used the planchette writing or automatic writing which holds similar principles to the Ouija Board as far back as 1100 AD. It was also practiced by ancient India, Europe and Middle East as a mediumistic method to communicate with the spirit world.

The word Ouija is believed to derive from a French Oui and German Ja combination meaning Yes.

Automatic writing is not recognized by the scientific community as a portal to another world and considered to fall in the pseudoscience category as an ideomotor response guided by unconscious muscular exertions, though that does not eliminate the belief by many that the movements often caused by the medium and his board are strong enough to be considered as caused by a spirit or some other invisible force from the beyond…

It is worth noting that Former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi claimed under oath that, in a séance held in 1978 with professors at the University of Bologna, the “ghost” of Giorgio La Pira used a Ouija to spell the name of the street where Aldo Moro was being held by the Red Brigades.

There are tens of reported incidents related to Ouija board which can be detected in news archives all over the world most of it supportive to its genuine claims to be a channeling tool with the spirit world…
Religions consider the board as a channeling tool belonging to Satan and only evil spirits communicate through it therefore religious authorities forbids using it and regard it as a heresy and a dangerous tool of communication with the Devil.

Having written all of the above its time for our paradetect version:

While experimenting and researching the paranormal and the beyond…

In early 1980s I was invited to attend a séance of channeling with the spirit world but the tools were not a Ouija board, instead the medium used an empty coffee cup the ones without a handle similar to those used by Chinese to drink tea in addition to an ordinary white carton written on it the Arabic alphabets and the Yes and No words.

The séance started and ended with nothing extraordinary to me and I personally did not regard it to be worth investigating any further associating it with what most scientists would agree upon as an involuntary muscle responses influenced by the subconscious…

Few weeks later I received a call from the medium that sounded really scared and asked to see me urgently soon as I can. We set up a meeting and what happened next was very intriguing and indeed succeeded in grabbing my full attention.

With attentive ears and alert senses I listened to every word of the medium who I personally know and is considered to be a friend of her family, she went on detailing to me what had happened to her after few times of using this Ouija like cup channeling tool.

She told me that after several times she became addicted to using it and started doing so almost every night or whenever she was alone, soon after, she began experiencing repetitive nightmares almost every night and things became uglier and she became very scared, though she is an educated young woman who does not scare easily and do not even believe much in the spirit related legends this apparently did not save her from what came next…

After the nightmares phase she began experiencing very weird and eerie feeling while awake accompanied with a sense that she is not alone, later she realized she actually was not alone, infact she claimed to have a companion admirer from the spirit world that seemed to be attached to her and he started flirting with her as days went by.  That spirit went as far as telepathically telling her he likes her and he lifted her skirt on one occasion saying to her how nice a sexy figure she had…

The young woman asked if I can help stop that spirit from bothering her and she wanted to break all ties with it, I suggested to have a new séance with her inviting some friends to try and observe who from the spirit world would attend to her séance, if she would be able to sense if it was the same spirit or another one…

Later that weekend we invited several friends and commenced with the séance preparation.

I still remember we started approximately seven at night that night, at the first fifteen minutes nothing happened, then suddenly she had a response and the séance started.

She asked who it was that attended, the answer was always very vague, I later took over the questioning and started bombarding the supposed spirit with all sorts of tricky questions until it admitted that it was not the one we expected, eventually ten minutes after that confession the first spirit who was young one was kicked out by a new spirit much older and who seems to be the one intended, when we asked his age he claimed he was over three hundred years old…

I resumed my questioning spree with the second spirit till it was pissed off and started becoming aggressive in the answering with some sarcastic condescending tone, I asked it if there is any way we can convince it to leave the young woman alone, but the spirit was having too much fun and refused, I set up a challenge between the spirit and I and whoever loses would have to back away and retreat, at last the spirit accepted the challenge and committed to the conditions and terms of the challenge.

After one and a half hour of haggling between the spirit and I, I managed to find a way to defeat it and forced it to come to terms with its obligation to leave the young woman alone and not to interfere with her any longer, the séance ended at almost eleven at night that night….

Fortunately, that spirit did abide by the terms and upheld to the promised it gave to leave the young woman alone, and the young woman did confirm to me at a later stage that everything returned to normal   and still is till today.

The only request I asked the young woman was never to use this channeling method again…

By now I got you all wondering what happened between the spirit and I during that challenging séance, well, I am afraid it is not so wise to reveal this information for fear of causing it to lose its effectiveness next time I need to use it.

What can I say, it’s a tricky world out there and sometimes it is all about out witting your opponents….

Be well and be safe and do not use tools you cannot control…


Adam El Masri

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