
Religion between Isis and the USA

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Islam between Middle East and the West is not so accurate since extremist Muslims just like any other extremists successfully managed to leave the wrong impression upon modern Western Civilization, though extremism as old as the dawn of humanity was never successful in offering humanity any progress, in return, religion regardless of who carried it offered humanity remarkable record of human progress and development but above all, if taught man neutrality, acceptance and adaptation…

Since the Iranian Islamic revolt of Khomeini in 1979 relationship between Islam and the West never returned to normality due to the misrepresentation of Islam whether by the Shiite or western media at the time.

Though, Khomeini did promote extremist to secure the hindering of western influence and interference upon his new revolution the West on the other hand promoted extremism against this revolution for political reasons targeting Islam as a whole regardless of ethnicity or sect.

Later on politically driven Iran managed to divert the fear of Western world towards Sunni Islam even though most of the Sunni Schools were regards moderate and tolerant emphasizing on individual practice of faith building and devotion in worship.

Ever since the Khomeini revolution the western world and out of fear of its spreading into other Islamic nations began drafting a future plan to divide and conquer this revolution and uproot its source making sure to apply the organized chaos concept to halt the spread of its influence regardless of what the outcome may cause upon the stability of these nations.

The Bin Laden syndrome played a major role in promoting the Western World fear of the Sunni Wahhabi extreme school which represent less than one percent amongst Muslim followers and can only be found in mainly Saudi Arabia and few other Gulf countries…

Isis founded a great rift and baseless fear was formed between Islamic countries and the Western World and both worlds lack the needed understanding to counter this rift and create a new relationship between the two worlds to successfully tackle the immediate or indirect results of this serious issue.

There is a public opinion consensus in the Middle East of who is behind the creation of Isis, who supports it and protects its existence…

Shiite and Sunni majority do not support extremism; citizens of the Western world are in majority similar whereas politicians on both sides are playing with our destinies to serve their purpose going as far as using hostile force to enforce their valueless agendas.

The United Nations role of maintaining the international peace is no longer applicable due to the growing division and dispute between its members.

The diminishing role of the USA and the growing strength of Putinist Russia usher to a new era of international politics full of international conflicts and regional disputes heralding a new and very unstable world leading to arm race and more serious conflicts with great potential of a third world war behind the corner.

It seems that history is repeating itself in the cycle of conflicts and aggression in manners similar to the Christian extremism European history in its dark ages which lead to the sectarian slaughtering of several hundred thousand Christians or the extreme Christian Crusaders campaign which started by slaughtering Christians and looting their sacred artifacts in search of the Lost Arc of the Covenant flipping to a new page of human extremist records to the first followed by the second World War and God know where it will end…

Will the Western world realize that what they seeded after the second World War by dividing the whole of the Middles East into senseless sectarian new borders of Sykes Picot agreement in 1916 and the creation of Israel was the main cause of whatever effect we are witnessing nowadays, will the Muslim world realize that present day globalization lead by Western social and scientific advancement dictates a different perception of world future destiny is a hope that remains to be achieved which should lead to eliminating geopolitical boarders between countries and cultural boarders between ethnicities and nations.

Human freedom and desired peace can only be achieved through spirituality.

Adam El Masri

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