
The Secret Shadows from Other Dimensions

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An unprecedented finding will be revealed in this article… Did you ever experience seeing shadows in an empty dark space? Read the article to know why…

For those first timers who browse through our articles Paradetect focuses on finding  feasible explanation   for anomalies  and the unexplained paranormal events engulfing our daily events while unnoticed by the majority who are usually engaged in their daily living and what it entails…

The definition of shadows is: A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.

Listen to the article on our youtube channel

As we embarked on an epic journey of exploring the unknown we at Paradetect spare no effort and go beyond the normal in researching the subjects that lures our minds ever since we began our colonization of this planet, subjects such as Aliens, Jinn, parallel world amongst many others.

While researching the relation of parallel worlds and Alien multi-dimensional beings we stumbled upon a new finding which science over looked either due to negligence or simply lack of funding.

While we were tracking and monitoring  the presence of Alien Jinn during one of our sessions  (Snapshots with slow motion video of Henri with Jinn) we and for the first time ever were able to capture Alien beings referred to as either Jinn or multi-dimensional beings on special camera that uses Kirlian Photography Software, after we finished the session we couldn’t notice anything worth mentioning but when we replayed the video with slow motion we noticed shadowy dots in it, we slowed it down even further and the shadowy dots became shadow figures of being communicating  with an absolute match to what the medium was explaining as she was in communication with another world.

Creepy shadows of beings emerging from several portals in the room space responding to the conjuror summoning them to participate in explaining issues related to hidden treasure.  This may sound as myth from the crypt but if you watch our video you will realize that this is a scientific research with no funny business, the videos provided here are not edited and any computer specialist can confirm that to whoever is skeptical about it…

The dark shadows were generated by those beings the moment they entered into our dimensional space.

The grand question is why they were viewed to us as shadows and not in a solid physical shape?

The answer lies in parallel world and different space and time with other dimensions.

Scientifically light travels in straight lines until reflected or scattered by objects in its path, observing four dimensional objects with three dimensional tools as our eyes will result in viewing the object in grey shadowy color. We also need to keep in mind that the shape of the object would also differ, a geometrical shape can look in four dimension quite different from its three dimensional shape. While the object is in four space it projects itself into our three dimensional world like a painter would project a landscape onto his canvas as.

Entanglement theory (Entanglement is a term used in quantum theory to describe the way that particles of energy/matter can become correlated to predictably interact with each other regardless of how far apart they are.) , fractal geometry (A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc. Abstract fractals – such as the Mandelbrot Set – can be generated by a computer calculating a simple equation over and over.) And space time would help further explain and shed some more light on this subject.

Any shadowy figures you have seen of late?

As science and technology evolves we will end up with more tangible explanation to many currently unanswered questions and we will eventually solve many of the intriguing puzzles that still lure our imagination.

Hoping you enjoyed this new finding I bid you all a multi-dimensional experience.

Adam El Masri

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