
An Absolute Proof Time Travel is Real

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Our article today aims to prove that time travel is real event. In fact, we all time travel and we do it on daily basis throughout our life journey for as long as we live.

While living we all breath, eat and sleep, we time travel every time we fall asleep; when we sleep our astral body time travels to all sorts of different dimensions where we connect with past and future events related to our lives and the lives of those associated with us.

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Time travel is the concept of movement between different points in space and time, in science fiction a time machine is used to open portal connecting distant points in time. Though Time Travel in science needs to rely on theoretical physics in conjunction with quantum mechanics through wormholes and warps in space based upon Einstein Rosen bridges theory… In reality all of this philosophy is not needed…

In the physical world the above mentioned is a must to achieve time travel and science still has a long way to achieve such a goal.

In the Etheric world physical laws do not apply.

We humans are created of three bodies; the physical body, the mental body which represents our consciousness and the spiritual body which is none else than our souls or ether body which in turn is our astral body.

Our astral bodies fall in the domain of the ether world which is the true reality contrary to what most of us consider the physical world to be as our reality, the physical world and since it is only a temporary phase of our eternal existence covers only a very short span of time in our journey, hence comes the truth which is Ether is the undisputable reality…

When we sleep we are programmed to surrender our astral body to the ether world and we are programmed because few of us learn how to control what to do with the astral self once it commences its astral journey, it usually follows different rules with its own assignments and agendas to fulfill regardless of what we wish since we totally lack control over it.

It is worth mentioning that ancient history and mythology did mention legendary characters that learnt the art of astral travel and managed to control their astral bodies when journeying in the ether realm.

So, where the acclaimed proof from all of this is a very simple scientifically supported reality that no sane mind can deny hidden in our dream sequences.

When we see dreams whether it is related to past or present events of which many might actually be fulfilled in one stage of our lives what happens is the following; scientifically a dream does not last longer than several minutes yet while we are dreaming it feels a life time sometimes or at least it feels much longer than a several minutes explained by science. Where did the time difference disappear!

This time difference is a very plausible and tangible proof that even science cannot ignore.

Time travel truly exists and we are much more capable to comprehend it if we utilize our spiritual self and our astral existence.

Adam El Masri

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