
Depression Syndrome – Causes and Treatment

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Since lack of happiness and contentment may become the main cause for depression and since an emotional shock may play a major role in different types and levels of depression, spirituality may also play a major role in treating all types of depression and may also save the depressed from reverting to anti-depressants flooding the pharmaceutical market.

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Depression causes a chemical imbalance in the brain affecting brain function and deterring neurotransmitters from normal functionality resulting in poor mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Being in a positive and spiritual state of mind has a significant impact on our motivation, productivity, and well-being, and emotional stability.

There are 4 happiness chemicals: endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, these are the main chemicals that feed our positive mood and pattern of thinking which in turn influence our pattern of behavior.

Endorphins and serotonin inhibitory chemicals are two of the six main neurotransmitters known to be naturally produced by the brain and are responsible for modulating mood and brain chemistry. Both can inhibit feelings of pain and pleasure, they play a major role in preventing pain and sadness, they also tend to inhibit positive feelings.

The pituitary gland produces endorphins, while the thyroid gland produces serotonin; since the production of these two chemicals is often correlated an elevation of endorphin levels can produce a natural rise in serotonin levels, and both are known as the emotional boosters.

Serotonin produces a mild effect, causing happiness and a feeling of security while Endorphin produces a more intense and ecstatic feeling of pleasure when a large amount of it circulates in the bloodstream, based upon the levels of Endorphin it is similar to Serotonin only at high levels, its more intense but both can cause relaxing mood, joy, and security…

Endorphin can be produced by demanding physical activities such as sports and sexual intercourse. While serotonin production can be influenced by carbohydrate intake of food and specific fruits such as bananas.

Both chemicals may become addictive just like almost anything else therefore may influence our pattern of thinking and behavior, considering the cause and effect factor.

Foods with Alkaloid Theobromine content such as kola nuts and cacao bean are known to spike the release of endorphins.

Aromatherapy is also common for stimulating the brain to produce any of the four happiness hormones.

Positive mood is believed to effects and stimulates neurotransmitters to produce endorphins and serotonin in both traditional and alternative medicine.

Dopamine and Oxytocin:

Dopamine is a motivator and a catalyst for desires reinforcing pleasure and goals achievement. A low level of Dopamine can result in Procrastination, confusion, and lack of enthusiasm and focus, poor diet, and unhealthy life style are also believed to be a cause for low Dopamine levels.

Oxytocin is the cuddler hormone. It boosts healthy relations social bonding and interaction based upon trust, intimacy, and honesty. It’s released during orgasm, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

Hugging proved to be a great natural method to boost oxytocin flow amongst man and animal alike…

Aromatherapy Mood Support

Aromatherapy is a pleasant way to boost our moods and morals, certain fragrances such as lavender, chamomile, bergamot, vanilla, and apples in addition to jasmine, cedarwood, eucalyptus, and sandalwood are among my favorite list of fragrances which I personally apply in depression-related sessions.

I also find psychotherapy to be a very effective method in treating all types of depression including chronic and severe depressions.

Psychotherapy helps in the cause and effect healing factor, it sheds light on the negative and the positive trend of thinking and behavior patterns which enables us to pinpoint the source of depression and how to tackle it in natural spiritual balancing technique development by paradetect using energy healing and self-improvement approach…

To sum up our method of treating all types of depression; we use Ascent Energy healing, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, and acupressure or light massage to certain meridian points to help bring the depressed to an acceptable relaxing mood, positive perception, and sense of security.

May you all prosper…

Adam El Masri

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