
Energy Facelift

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Face lift using energy healing! Is there any such a thing? Does it really work? Read all about it at “paradetect.com”. Can energy healing really get the job done, can we apply energy to stimulate facial skin to rejuvenate and regain its livelihood.

There are many benefits in energy face lifting and as experience proved face lifting not only did the job beautifully but it also lasted much longer than other unnatural face-lifting methods.

When we applied energy healing to face lift our clients were amazed, they couldn’t believe that it really works.

Our Ascent energy healing technique has no side effect and is totally natural, we apply energy with light massage and certain essential oils to give the facial skin its long awaited remedy from anti-aging by reducing wrinkles in a very obvious and immediate result it also reduces black circles around the eyes and rejuvenates the skin cell causing it to regain its natural livelihood.

Normal facial issues may take up to three session to be resolved while sever and more serious cases may take up to seven sessions, however, the results may be noticed from the first session. The session duration is usually from 20 to 30 minutes and its very refreshing.

Each session include light massage, aromatherapy and meditational music making our Ascent energy technique a unique method developed solely by paradetect.

You can also try our special Auraiel Xwrinkles Oil and Xwrinkle Soap which works wonders on your skin.

Our liaison in Dubai The Wellness Center currently offers this service upon appointment.

Contact the Wellness Center for an appointment or further details.

Le Solarium Building, Dubai Silicon Oasis
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 04 388 6836 – 0506288301

The Para Team


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