
How to Handle a Paranormal Experience

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The web is a wonderful source of accessible information ranging from a doctorate research to a handy man service.

But does it have serious and genuine information to help us handle a possible paranormal experience any of us might face even once during a lifetime?


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The main reason of this lack of serious sources of information or consultancy on the web is due to the fact that science still lack behind in any serious effort to address issues related to the paranormal or supernatural or simply a weird phenomenon…

The scientific negligence in trying to find scientifically based satisfying answers to any paranormal related claims is simply shunned out by the scientific communities all over the world.

Any individual dares to dip into any attempt of investigating any such phenomena would risk a shattered image and shaky reputation and this in it self is one of the major reasons that prevents serious researchers from tackling this intriguing subject creating a foreboding atmosphere shrouded by serious concerns whether humanity would be able in future to face any paranormal or supernatural interference in the course of humanity on this planet.

Unfortunately, the only body that addresses this topic is none else but Hollywood and science fiction, is it not time in this 21st century for humanity to reconsider its educational and political schemes to meet the possible and probable threats which we may face from an alien or multi-dimensional threats from an extraterrestrial or a parallel existence.

The creation or formation of an international scientifically based body to address any paranormal related issue that might be imposed upon humanity in the future is more than a luxury it is a urgent need, such body should be armed with proper international authority and an appropriate funding to investigate and research paranormal incidents and claims all around the world starting from what is recorded historically till what is taking place around the world in present day.

Educating the public about this topic should be included in our educational system starting from elementary school to university graduation that includes creating specific specialized department and faculties in universities to address this topic professionally and initiate a proper mass awareness within the international community of humanity.

Our plight might sound farfetched to a layman but to those who are more involved in researching the subject it is a must and an inevitable destiny.

That is how we start handling a paranormal event.

What do you think?

Adam El Masri

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  1. Perry Bales says:

    man I live in the USA. Supposed to be free. and most of us think we are. but we have, I believe the most per capita citizen imprisoned. we are fed propoganda constantly. I don’t trust the media at all. We made the mistake generation or two back to let the government run or schools. We handed our children over to them to indoctrinate. I am a product of that system and have had to educate myself ever since. you mention teaching our children about the paranormal. we have to do it ourselves. Governments will never do that. they don’t even want us to know of our spiritual nature. know of our power…. I could go on and on but I think you get what i’m saying. surely you do.
    You have to wonder.. in that bigger picture that Thoth sees so clearly. the one that once contained Atlantis and is destined to rise again in the future according to Thoth. that sure you are doing great things in trying to inform people of things that have been hidden from us by either evil or grossly mislead religious leaders, or alien or interdimentional beings infiltrating those institutions, or whatever else throughout history. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but very dificult to get all that muck to come together. I have a friend i play music with who has christian beliefs. Even though the emerald tablets (mysteries) teachings are likely teachings that christianity and all other earthly religion is based on. isn’t that where jesus spent 20 years being educated? anyway i never mentioned the tablets to him but only the word reincarnation. and him and his father looked at me with suspicion like ive never seen before. like I was insane, and maybe even evil. total disbelief that i could take a notion seriously.
    I guess my point could have been made with a lot less ranting…. because in that bigger picture that Thoth sees. we can have our hands full just getting a clue to some of this stuff… most people … almost all are completely clueless….. Or i am? and so ya.. … our hands full just following the path to the light. the christ path. the balance… whatever you want to acall it. and maybe try to bring along a few souls we know and care about with us…. if we can. because the governments and religions will always seek to control the rest of us. and doesn’t it seem fitting. that if we are free to take a path and ascend beyond, that those that choose the greed or type of power gained in that way are just as free to seek that rather than seeking ascention. and so that is what they get is to return and do it again… i guess until they realize there is nothing here tangible or permanent….. so why covet it so?

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