
Iran and Ramadi Orchestrated Withdrawal

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The sudden withdrawal of the Iraqi armed forces from Ramadi was illogical and unrealistic. According to US secretary of defense Ash Carter “says fall of Ramadi shows Iraqi forces lack will to fight Isis Carter added, defenders vastly outnumbered Islamic State fighters in the Anbar Provence”.

The fall of Ramadi last Sunday sparked all sorts of doubts behind the performance of the Iraqi armed forces, their lack of will to fight is even more suspicious, infact, and one cannot help but look towards Iran for an answer…

Most of the Isis weaponry was gained from the surrendering of the Iraqi or Syrian armed forces in a sudden withdrawals leaving behind huge quantities of military equipment and ammunition for Isis to garner.

This raises a question, was that an orchestrated withdrawal manipulated by Iran to catalyze a security need maintain international demand for their interference in defending world humanity and global security from “Sunni Muslim Terrorism” for Iran to gain an additional bargaining chip in their buying time policy negotiation with United States and rest of the western world is indeed what seems to be resonating in the mind of regional and international analysts when dissecting current events in the Middle East.

Once again, Iran’s tactics for buying time seems to be working perfectly as planned, that is, until the Saudis decided to storm the whole world with their new Salman Yemeni initiative which turned the Iranian table upside down.

The Saudi led decisive storm was a one of its kind in modern time. Saudis, Emiratis and other Arab countries performed what was unthinkable to the Iranians, they stood up, and they even used their armies to oppose the Persian Empire everlasting dream…

At last Arab rulers realized that Iran’s plan was not only creating havoc and total anarchy in the Arab world but a serious attempt to control Mecca and Medina and create a new world order, a Shiite world order spreading all over the Middle East including what the Israelis call their promised land, that means no more kingdoms and no more future heirs for the Middle East.

The decisive storm was and still is an existential confrontation Arabs cannot afford to lose, it ushers in a new era of Arab unity forcefully long due and that will chart a new dawn of regional and international politics between Arab world, united states and Europe even the rest of the world.

Arabs should be grateful to Iran for succeeding in uniting Arabs for the first time in modern history, Simply, Iran succeeded where Israel failed…

Adam El Masri

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