
The Beginning of World War III

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Hijacking countries… A third world war may very well start with the hijacking of countries. Hijacking countries is the beginning of hijacking a whole nation.

This is the core fabrics of world wars and the Middle East seems to be the next chosen stage to prepare the grounds for such war.

The First World War started with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria-Hungary, According to historian Gary Sheffield, the First World War began for two fundamental reasons: “First, decision-makers in Berlin and Vienna chose to pursue a course that they hoped would bring about significant political advantages even if it brought about general war. Second, the governments in the entente states rose to the challenge.”

Second World War began to materialize when in 1918, the “War Guilt Clause” of the Treaty of Versailles held Germany and Austria-Hungary responsible for the entire conflict imposing i on them crippling financial sanctions, territorial dismemberment and isolation.

But let’s not bore the reader with historical details which were nothing more than a reference for comparison with current events in the Middle East with events prior to the first and the second world wars.

The assassination of Rafik Hariri former prime minister of Lebanon had more devious motive than just assassinating a prime minister{compare with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand} , Hairir was very resourceful international figure of Sunni back ground and getting rid of him was aimed to deprive Sunnis especially in Lebanon from a very influential figure on the international stage serving the interest of Iran and Syria and this was the first serious move to begin the hijacking of Lebanon after the death of Hafiz Assad of Syria which in reality meant the beginning of the end of the Syrian physical occupation of Lebanon which lasted for three decades. After Hafiz Assad the Syrian occupation transformed to become a proxy occupation shared by Syrian, Iran and the local arm of Iran “Hezbollah”.

With the success of Iran’s chess game Iran felt more confident to proceed with its Islamic revolution plan set by late Khomeini to exploit all available possibilities to expand with the implementation of their policy to export the Islamic revolution to the rest of the Middle East and take over Mecca and Medina and if possible Jerusalem as well, Iran therefore could not resist to spread its hijacking of Syria taking advantage of the unrest and uprising which started on March 15 2011 and the need of a weakened Bashar Assad who later on became totally reliant on their totally support.

The repeated success of Iran’s plan encouraged Iran yet further to retry to hijack Yemen through the Houthies and did not let their failed attempts with Bahrain and Kuwait to deter them from trying again after all they are famous for the patience and long term planning (the gaining of an advantage motive).

The only modern challenge Iran has to face nowadays is the daring opposition of Saudi lead newly formed Arab league military body standing in their way to become the regional superpower in the Middle East.

Will the Arabs steadfast in their course of resisting and preventing the hijacking of the Arab nation and will they succeed in regaining the lost territories to Iran from Lebanon to Syria, Iraq and Yemen is a question can only be answered by in time.

But hijacking countries can only end up hijacking nations and this may very well trigger a world war III.

Adam El Masri

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