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Transition into the next phase of humanity has begun. The geopolitical, ethnical and other world events are heralding the beginning of the second phase of transition in our human evolution.

It is also expected to herald a breakthrough in medical and other sciences and technology in the coming decade such discoveries will most probably usher to a new era in human evolution.

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Space related discoveries will also open a new path to man to explore our universe from a different and more advanced perspective…

Spirituality and what relates to it will also prove that its more than myth and modern science will realize that there is a lot to learn from spirituality and even more to learn from religion which will prove to be more than an ordinary faith needed for human survival as specie on this young planet.

An extraterrestrial and alien related findings will re draw the chart to our cosmic relation and ancient origin of earth which was once inhabited by other specie who some of us share genetics with.

Many resonating questions will find defining answers in the next phase which pleases the optimists, however this next phase holds in its chest many secrets some of which may not be so pleasing for transformation is never easy or cheap there is death before rebirth and chaos before order.

Our worst nightmare will be the confrontation with the other specie the specie of the shadows, call them aliens, jinn or extraterrestrials confronting them will be inevitable though this confrontation may not be direct they will still have at their disposal many means and tools to wage their final war against our specie in an attempt to reclaim what was once theirs, our planet Earth…

They I prefer to call the Dark Forces, if one is advanced in spirituality one may sense the increase of negative energy in the boiling parts of this world which is supposed to be the stage were the final Armageddon will take place the Middle East the cradle of humanity where it all started before the great deluge the Noah’s flood.

These dark forces where first mentioned in the Book of Enoch and they were referred to as the watchers or in Christianity the fallen angels who are believed by Muslims to be of Jinn origin created from fire and not the substance of soul or light which true angels are made of hence they questioned God’s wisdom of creating Adam and settling him on Earth which was their own home before Adam was created…

The book of Enoch tells of interesting details surrounding their role, activities and influence on the very early existence and survival on Earth one of which some two hundred of Watchers mingled with our specie and committed transgression by mating with the humans begetting a hybrid race the Jews called them the Nephilim who savage giants who caused havoc to the humans, it is also believed that those Watchers where the first to introduce the forbidden knowledge to humans such as sorcery, weaponry and other sciences dictating how were began our learning process depriving us from discovering knowledge and accumulating wisdom by ourselves and in accordance to our human nature and by doing this the watchers would make sure to keep in control of our destiny of advancement, development and progress.

What motivated the Watcher to commit such an act of transgression is most probably out of vengeance in return to granting Earth to the humans. The Watchers most of assumed that by having their offspring from the human females they would re-inhabit the Earth and regain what was once their species planet.

This story is also told by the Sumerians who referred to them as the Anunnaki children of the Nephilim, ancient Greeks referred to them as gods as did ancient Egyptians and so on…

It is strongly recommended to read our article Kharsag, The Garden of Eden which I share the belief that it is the place where the fallen ones descended and launched the first phase of the plot to reclaim Earth in an act of vengeance.

Last but not least, Earth is preparing for the next phase of transition and we seem to be helping to speed up the process.

Good bidding for humanity

Adam El Masri

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