
A Prelude to War

1 minute, 36 seconds Read



Is the ancient world preparing for the final conflict between the warring factions in the Middle East is seemingly inevitable the question is how soon is it going to be for the big bang.


Trump visit to Saudi Arabia attending to three major summits in two days is indeed a new record in US. Foreign Policy.

Trumps visit to Israel and the Vatican in the same foreign trip is even more intriguing.


Netanyahu indicates to the changes in Middle Eastern Politics as He announced that for the first time there is a common enemy uniting Arabs and Israelis, A nuclear Iran.


Reviving peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine seems to be nothing more than a cover up since Israel never intended to give anything to Palestine.

The Vatican in Trumps view is needed to give his blessing and endorse the forthcoming military campaign against Iran.


After exhausting the Gulf Countries Economic and Military capabilities and bombing Iran back to the stone age the plan seems to be yet another portioning of the already divided Middle East.


Dividing the Middle East was an old ambitious plan occupying a major portion of US. Foreign Politics for several decades, Obama tried to implement the proxy approach to accomplish it will Trump pursue similar approach by arming Arabs to the teeth and watch from the skies, will Putin get involved, what about China…


An inevitable regional war may easily escalate to become the world war three prophecies talked about, the Armageddon…


Qatar seems to play a different tune to distant itself from the approaching conflict be siding with the Iran camp, Qatar indirectly expresses the views of the CIA since decades.


According to Qatari prince Tamim, Trump is an unstable president and won’t last in office for long…


All speaks of Peace while all prepares for war.




Adam El Masri

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