
Australian Community Centers

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What a brilliant community service: I was privileged to work in an Australian community center in early 1980s in Sydney, Australia.

Australian community centers play a major and constructive role in improving the well-being of its community members.

It is usually run under the local council and most of its funding comes from that authority body.

Its activities vary dependent on its budget and the priorities given by the local council funding it. But whichever way it is, the centers are usually heavily involved in their participation of developing their citizens on both individual and community level.

Australian community centers give services to all of those who seek it and they play a very productive role in mediating between community members and the local authorities.

There is certainly a lot to learn from them in third world countries, I personally wonder why there is a lack of effort from both sides in exchanging such valuable social experience.

I for one am a full thrust advocate for such exchange of knowledge and experience between Australian and the underdeveloped countries, and by writing this article I am attempting to initiate the launching of what I am hoping to a soon enough future bilateral merger between Australian community centers and some underdeveloped regions under some sort of governmental sponsorship perhaps at the local government levels, such as a twining MOU between two council authorities from say Sydney and Dubai or Abu Dhabi for the sake of agreement that is!

At paradetect.com we will be very interested in hearing any proposals or productive suggestions to achieve such prototype bilateral communal relationship for the service of humanity…

We pledge to fully support such an attempt if we are to be approached by any interested establishment for the formation of such merger. And we are willing to use our connections to facilitate it.

We ask our Paradetect small community to help us improve our social performance and increase our involvement in serving humanity.

Work with us and help achieve our goals, your personal participation is needed to create a change towards a better and more just world.

Send your proposals, ideas or comments

Adam El Masri

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