
Russian Roulette in the Holy Land

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The passive role played by former president Obama in the Middle East left a very negative impact on the whole region.


Obama tried to implement an old new plan in the Middle East to initiate the constructive chaos theory by indirectly encouraging shite Iran destructive expansion of influence over the region while on the other side of the region promoting and occasionally supporting Sunni Muslim brotherhood of Egypt hoping to instigate a prolonged conflict between these two dominating sects in the Middle East.


He, Obama almost succeeded when Egyptian current president Abdulfatah Al Sisi lead a coup against the governing Muslim Brotherhood under Moursi’s leadership and stood as a minor obstacle in the fulfillment of the chaos plan.


The second strategic miscalculation committed by Obama was turning a blind eye to what is happening in Syria which he seemed to assume that it would serve its purpose by instigating that long-sought confrontation between Shite and Sunni Muslim in the holy land, but this time it was Russia who seized the opportunity cause by his negligence by throwing their military might behind Assad who paid them hard cash for every rocket and missile they dropped over the civilian Syrians indiscriminately. Yet still Obama kept played the same passive role he mastered so well…


Assad must have paid billions of hard cash to Putin it was delivered by hand held luggage, probably every time he sent any of his envoys to meet with Putin to make sure it was not traceable…


However, an opportunist Putin realized that he can orchestrate a maestro blow not only to the USA but also to the whole of the European Union which was a closer threat to his plans of recreated a great Soviet Union once again.


The influx of Syrian refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict spread all over the Western World causing havoc on its social, economic and national security levels, this later became clear to me that it was a very well thought of plan conducted by a very bold and intelligent strategist Putin who is still succeeding in accomplishing his mission of destroying the USA internally  by meddling with the post-election affairs   and dismantling the European Union through Syrian refugees as well as attempting to repeat his email hackers leaking all types of inaccurate information in France hoping to leave the same impact on Macron and creating an opportunity for Le pen  to seize the moment, take over France and maybe exit the European Union repeating the Brexit scenario. Putin went even farther than that; He reopened secret channels with the Afghan Taliban providing them with arms against US military presence in Afghanistan…


Then, there was the increase of north Korean nuclear adventures encouraged by the lack of Obama action in fulfilling his threat to the Syrians using chemical weapons against their civilians.


All these chains of events began forming because Obama miscalculated.


With Trump is now in power let’s hope he does miscalculate by lead the world into an all-out nuclear war which might involve Russia and china as well…


My conclusions are based upon assumptions, yet it is the truth I clearly see before me, and truth do defy logic.



Adam el Masri


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