
Energy Healing Basics Course

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Paradetect announcing a special event. Three days course introducing energy healing basic techniques to our members.

Course will be held in Akkar region North Lebanon.

This crash course will be held in one of two of our locations in Akkar/El Doneya

Akkar: Qamouaa area, a nearby hotel is available, for an overnight stay.


Doneya: Ayn el Samak area (camping site).


Food and overnight stay is optional and not included.

An introduction to the basic training involved in Energy Healing techniques and the preparations involved to enable us generate our own bio energy sufficient enough to heal ailments and pains.

Duration is two days.

Reserve your place now; send us your request

Platinum membership card holders will have 50% discount

If you are a holder of paradetect membership card quote your reference number with your reservation request.


Paradetect Team


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