
Paradetect Energy Healing Course (Ascent) – Dubai

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Dubai course…The absolute energy balance for you… What you learn and why you must learn it.

Register your name for the course, send us your request with the “Subject: Energy Healing Crash Course”.

At Paradetect we pride ourselves of being different than the ordinary because we have a specific aim and a target.

Our aim is to help teaching how to lead a new way of life by merging spirituality with modern day living without the drawback that usually follows.

Our target is to stimulate the Human Metamorphosis (read the article) needed for the ascension of our specie towards the inner peace that we all seek and are in pursuit of ever since our eyes opened  to the world. That is why we have developed this new method with new simple and easy to apply techniques making our Ascent Energy Healing Course a comprehensive and easy to apply to any serious individual ready for the human metamorphosis phase in his life.

Our curriculum is short and direct leading the participant right to the point, which is Energy in its bio form which exists within us from the first day of our making.

That is why we would like to think that this vision of ours is a concept and an attitude towards being driven to attain wisdom by using a scholarly method merging all sides of life Spirituality Concept Adoption (read the article).

Paradetect is a community that intermingles cohesively, interacts positively with humans, animals and plants alike irrespective of type or creed…

Hence our Ascent program is designed to stimulate our health and wellbeing awareness and promote the needed attitude to sustain such attainable human improvement.

The Ascent Program:

Day 1: An Introduction to Bio Energy and the concept of Holistic/Energy Healing.

In day 1 we study the two related articles posted on our website:

1- Holistic Healing (read the article).
2- Reintroducing Energy Healing (read the article).

The two articles are a must to study and debate for anyone interested to further improve knowledge related to Bio Energy and its Healing Techniques.

Day 2:  Program Orientation followed by explanation of techniques, its implementation and benefits.

Techniques to sharpen the senses: Senses are five, thought each with a parallel extra sense associated with it (read our Senses article).

Day 3: Breathing Technique – Breathing is the Core Moderator of bio energy (read Breathing Techniques article).

The breathing Technique consists of:

Standing position    3 moves
Sitting position         3 moves
Flower position        3 moves

Day 4: Walking Technique – consists of training on the proper walk (read Walking Technique article).

Walking proper is crucial for our health and wellbeing; it is the instrument that pumps blood to our hearts lubricates our muscles and alert our nervous system that keeps our senses sharp.

Day 5: Hearing Technique

Training aimed to improve hearing and listening to sounds and recognizing its source (read the Hearing Technique article).

Day 6: Seeing Technique – this training is to enable the participant to see the aura/energy surrounding objects (read Seeing Technique article).

-Exercise in energy quantifying
-Visualization of movement prior to making a move
-Moving the finger using mind over matter without using muscles.

Day 7: Touching Technique

Consists of training to enable the participants to sense the surrounding energy and distinguish its variance in temperature and density (read Touching Technique article), Heart beat sensing using the palm and fingers of the participant.

Day 8: Tasting Technique (read the article).

With the properly tuned tasting sense one can learn to taste all sorts of things from the air helping him to recognize the source of what is tasted…

Smelling Technique: (read Smelling Technique article), smelling is similar to tasting; with a proper use of our smelling sense we can also recognize all sorts of things we smell in our surroundings.

Energy Generation Technique: Meditation posture for heart beat control and energy sensing

Day 9: Sleeping Pattern (read Sleeping Pattern article)

We learn how to charge positive and discharge negative energies during our sleep, and we learn how to reach beyond our three dimensional sphere to learn how to attain a higher form of energy as well…

The benefits of Fasting (read Fasting article) and its relevance to Trance (read Trance article) as a tool to self heal and heal others, through Trance we can induce positive thinking(read Induction article), therefore, positive energy…

Recap, Revision, and Energy Generating Training

Apprentice is successful to generate her/his own bio energy based upon description of personal experience.

The source of bio energy is detected in palms and other surrounding objects.

Apprentice feeling indicates that bio energy is increasing as focus is improved leaving a positive effect on with breathing technique.

Focusing on the axis of the palms whiling detecting the energy, moving it like a ball, then pressuring and condensing the energy ball within the palms till it is obvious, similar to magnetic energy field.

The following training is sensing and detecting the water energy from a bottle.

This is because; as breathing is regarded to be the motion needed to acquire energy water is the best source of pure and clean energy.

-exercise in energy quantifying
-visualization of movement prior to making a move
-moving the finger using mind over matter without using muscles.

Day 10:

Conclusion: (read Conclusion article), Ascent benefit and how to utilize your newly acquired knowledge.

Revision of all information and exercises previously taken and perfection of technique training…

Drawing energy from the Elements starting with water, soil, wind and fire…

Revision and training on all previous techniques

Scanning technique, revision of the rest of techniques and application

Snap brief on consumption issues (read Consumption Issues article)

All phases of the energy healing crash course are completed successfully by apprentice

Ascent Energy Healing can help in healing:

Depression, Chemical imbalance, migraine headaches, panic attacks, muscle cramps, pain relief and an abundance of other ailments.

Ascent helps in anger management and self control, sustainability, longevity and wellbeing…

Ascent is an alteration of an ailing pattern of behavior, (read Pattern of Behavior article) and fierce source of motivation towards achievements and goals fulfillment.

Ascent is highly recommended for individuals and groups for self improvement and better performance at home or at work.

Graduation and certificate ceremony will follow.

Hurry and register for the next course scheduled in Dubai for 2018

Send us your submission

Para Team


Human Metamorphosis
Spirituality Concept Adoption
Holistic Healing
Reintroducing Energy Healing
Breathing Techniques
Walking Technique
Hearing Technique
Seeing Technique
Touching Technique
Tasting Technique
Smelling Technique
ParaEnergy Healing Technique
Consumption Issues
Pattern of Behavior

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