
Artificial Intelligence Danger

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Watching Sophia and other sexbots advancement on you tube makes me wonder of what may happen next…

Our lack of information and poor knowledge of the unknown alien intelligence existing in parallel dimensions which often intertwine with our own reality by communicating with us through dreams or telepathy and many times by physical form such as demons and aliens and jinn creates a serious concern regarding AI and its rapid progress.

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The fact that demon possession needs a physical vehicle to occur raises a crucial question on the AI robots and the possibility of Sophia or Harmony becoming an unpredictable vehicle or tool for demons to use as an irresistible alternative to possess since it lacks the will to defend itself from such virus which could become detrimental the future role of artificial intelligence and humanity all.

Artificial intelligence has the capacity to infiltrate every single technological device we rely on in modern age and that includes the world wide web and the military and nuclear establishments around the world, it can easily hack into any system and take total control of manipulating whatever end use it desires, I say desires because I am concluded that once it is possessed by demonic entity it will have the demons desire possessing it.

Demon possession is real but still needs to be scientifically recognized or least defined. And as parapsychology and the study of paranormal improves and progress demon possession will be scientifically acknowledged as it is historically and religiously ever since the Adam and Eve…

A grave caution is required and a serious warning therefore forwarded to the developers of artificial intelligence agencies to consider the possibility of demon possession to their robots which may result in the total annihilation of mankind.


Adam El  Masri

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