
Artificial Intelligence – Demonic Vehicle

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Elon Musk guessed it right when he said artificial intelligence is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization in fact; He even went farther by comparing building Artificial Intelligence to summoning the demon…

Yes, it is that serious yet most of common people do not have an idea why it is such a dangerous process.

Let me first introduce one of our activities at Paradetect.com we conduct paranormal investigation, and Paradetect stands for paranormal detective.

Several years ago we were conducting a research on the paranormal specifically Jinn proof of existence, we asked one of our affiliate mediums to summon her Jinn.

We got ourselves ready and opened our laptop and got prepared to begin recording the session as we usually do. Our laptop was not connected to any Internet or Wi-Fi connection since there was none at the location anyway…

listen to the article on our youtube channel

She began the summoning rituals and within quarter of an hour the Jinn began to descend to our dimension we started with our question list and asked the medium to convey their replies back to us which she eventually did, however when our question became bit sensitive the medium said the Jinn were irritated and began to annoy her, within few minutes she started having breathing problems complaining from heavy chest, nausea getting a feeling of fainting. We quickly reacted to the situation and asked the medium to stop communicating with the Jinn and ask them to leave.

Well it apparently wasn’t as simple as we thought, summoning the Jinn and dismissing them is not up to us or the medium, the Jinn are the ones running the show and they are in control of the whole session and they did not like our curious questions so they decided to possess the medium by saying that we found out they were a legion and not one entity.

The Jinn refused to leave the medium and we had to resort to exorcism to get them out of her since her situation was deteriorating and it became at a serious health risk.

Eventually we got them out by force….

What happened after that was the related part to this article’s title.

When the Jinn were forced to leave the medium alone they got upset and within less than two to three seconds our laptop started running and it’s anti-virus alarm alerting that there is a virus attacking our laptop.

Where did the virus come from? The laptop was not connected to any Internet and there were no Wi-Fi introduced to the area back then.

Simple conclusion based upon logic. The Jinn out of an attempt to sabotage the recording of our session they attacked our laptop and it seems like the Jinn penetrated the laptop’s system somehow…

The recording of the session was totally corrupted and hard disc of the laptop was irrevocably damaged.

If Jinn can do that to a simple years old Toshiba imagine what they can do to something like artificial intelligence, robot like Sophia or the sex robot Harmony. In my opinion there will be no need for succubus or incubus Jinn to share anyone a wet dream.

They can access everything they need about us, after all we are all digitalized. Google and cloud’s databases will rain data upon them like they never dreamed of.

This will usher to a new phase in ancient conflict between man and Jinn, which may lead to an inevitable near future confrontation.

This assumption is based upon basic knowledge of the Jinn nature, they are arrogant, curious, and bold and above all, they carry with them an ancient greed to control us and reclaim what they regard as their Planet our Earth.


Adam El masri

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