
Shadow People

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We are left with sadness and sorrow to observe how western civilization neglects its very roots and the origin of all knowledge spread amongst mankind since the very first dawn of humanity.

As far back as the Sumerians and their Annunaki, the Pharos of Egypt and their mighty pyramids and Lord of wisdom Thoth or Tahut who as commonly believed invented writing and taught man all known sciences followed by countless centuries of spreading knowledge transcending boundaries of creed and ethnicities using different vehicles and tools to convey the glittering rays of learning which the western world benefited from through Islamic scholars and philosophers we see the western civilization at present treats this ancient source of knowledge with ignorance disregarding the fact that it was the very essence of today’s progress, the Middle East was and still is the source of this knowledge whether it is religion or all sorts of sciences the Middle East played a pivotal role in lifting humanity to its current consciousness.

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The shadow people are beings of unique nature in the Middle East they are known as Jinn created from smokeless fire, some of them are good some of them are not so good just like our own social structure they too enjoy the benefits of free will, follow their own agendas in life which unfortunately includes us and did indeed influence our history and still do till present and will continue in the future since this is our destiny that is why it is crucial to learn about their nature to minimize the impact they leave upon our very existence.

The earliest source of information about the shadow people comes from the ancient Middle East through spirituality, religion and lore.

Quran the Muslims Holy book and Hadith the sayings narrated from Prophet Muhammad are probably the most descriptive source of information available to us today it covers the subject of these beings with great accuracy and it warns of their illusive nature and their animosity to Mankind detailing the causes and preventive measures to minimize their influence on us since they share our lives in every precious moment we live in this physical world…

Few of us are aware the level of interference they exercise in our daily affairs, they share our food, our joys and benefits, they share our desires and our achievements, they are the cause of many of our misfortunes and ills, yet there are ways according to Quran and Hadith were we can minimize their interference and enjoy acceptable level of peace if we learn how to comply with the guidelines it reveals to us.

One species of Jinn are known by the name of Karin in ancient Egypt there were referred to as the KA…   this specific type of Jinn are the ones that are associated with man’s daily affairs, in fact according to Hadith every human has one Karin companion appointed to him from birth to death, the main focus of this Karin is to influence man’s behavior and will to make his life harder, he simply is his anti self and man cannot reach his desired inner peace unless man learns how to neutralize his Karin interference.

The Karin are the ones most responsible for Hauntings, ghosts and paranormal activities such as poltergeist and talking to the dead etc…

Your Karin knows everything needs to know about you from the day of your birth till the day you die, the Karin may also communicate with other Karin to get information related to other people you associate with and beyond.

Few of the Karin may decide to be good and play a positive role in one’s life but they are usually very few.

They feed on your fears and worries and they are allowed to share and enjoy your sins, they can simply share with you anything you do if you do not know how to prevent them.

Since the Karin is of terrestrial origin they can communicate with other interdimensional Jinn species they do not belong to the extraterrestrial beings or entities though share many of their traits in characteristics…

They however do communicate with incubus, succubus and other interdimensional Jinn. They are familiar with all of our surrounding, our culture and our ancient history hence, they are at an advantage over us and they tend to misuse it whenever opportunity opens a door.

It is immensely important to raise public awareness on this subject especially in the western world who are mostly ill informed and ignorant of their existence and do not have any background how to protect themselves from the Karin that accompanies them at all times day and night.

They are very illusive, opportunists and merciless beings yet they seem to be a necessity for the balance in our lives. There is matte and anti-matter, day and night black and white, male and female and the list goes on, it is all about balance and good and evil are part of this balance in the process of creation.

Collision between opposing forces seems to be the secret of life all over the universe.

Be safe, be wise and spread this wisdom


Adam El Masri




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