
Red Mercury Caught

1 minute, 6 seconds Read

In pursuit of truth, Paradetect continues to investigate the illusive myth of Red Mercury.
Lately, we received a video clip which seems to be genuine enough to share with our readers, the video contains an owner of Red mercury attempting to sell it for a huge sum of money.

The intriguing detail revealed a new information to us, a detail we did not previously know about some of the characteristics of Red mercury which reminded me of the myth of Dracula the vampire whose image shows no reflection in the mirror, every now and then we stumble upon information that takes us back to square one what it comes to investigating mythology concluding that we barely are scratching the surface in relation to truth and accuracy about the history of legends and myth for the lack of evidence which can only be acquired by serious and solid research.
The Red mercury in this video clip shows that it doesn’t show its reflection in the mirror just like Dracula…
This illusive substance share the characteristics of objects from fourth, fifth, or whatever dimension with a frequency much higher than we can detect, I do not wish to jump into more conclusions without further investigation I rather opt to our readers to trigger their sense of curiosity and carry out further investigation…
Adam El Masri

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  1. Nicola says:

    In the ‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth’ he speaks of wearing a robe of Cinnabar … which is Red, and is a type of Mercury ☺️ just a little fun bit of info there 🙏

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