

My name is Salma Alnuaimi I would like to share with you my journey with Paradetect which led me on a path enlightened by beautiful dream a dream which later became a target for me to choose and achieve

Ever since I was young I was driven by ambition to aim high

That ambition grew up with me very very strong yet still undefined until I stumbled upon Paradetect website which had its own adventure and part of its services under the self improvement section

an adventure mixed with reality and dreams

Paradetect a world of its own the more I delve into it the more fascinated I became as it made me realize that if one wants to live his or her dream one must follow a realistic approach otherwise it can not be fulfilled

therefore Paradetect part of its activities is to create projects and teach Paradetect members how to execute and run these projects to fund and finance such interests

Hence came the idea of opening Paradetect UAE as a member of the larger community of Paradetect International

Paradetect International varies in its activities tremendously covering all walks of life from health to social to personal and of course commercial alongside its own activity of spirituality and education and by joining in Paradetect team I found out that every sector they cover is of interest to me and I want to involve in every one if I could afford, and to name a few of the see activities:

Project 1
We started with manufacturing our first Tuktuk in our Bangladesh facility of course being unique Paradetect Designed a tuk-tuk with special features such as larger sitting space for passengers to be more comfortable with USB port and luggage storage at the back we call it Salma 1 to celebrate my joining in the Paradetect team and now we just finished manufacturing the Salma 2 model of electric tuk-tuk and began with Salma 3 model

Project 2
The import of EV Cars from China at a very affordable price through our Paradetect Liaison office in China to participate in helping to save the environment and carbon CO2 reduction in the atmosphere of course being Paradetect we have our own Brand of EV Electric cars

Project 3
An advance very stable on the road and safe driving is the three wheels reverse motorcycle the Paradetect Scorpio tricycle this project is still in its first phase of development with a plan to manufacture the first prototype by the end of this year
this type will have 2 versions:
– Petrol Version
– Electric Version
Most of our Production is done in China with our Paradetect China Liaison

Project 4
As for the UAE we run from our UAE head office Based in Dubai and another Branch in Sharjah we have found our own brand of premium quality Oud incense so we have developed the Salma Oud brand and currently it is available and selling online at our Amazon shops, Paradetect shop, and the Auraiel shop, both are owned by Paradetect
Also available on www.paradetect.com and soon to be launched at TikTok AND Youtube Paradetect

Project 5
we also have our own online e-commerce department which will be ready in 2-3 months selling all sorts of items in electronics items and gadgets among promoting Paradetect brand and Products

Project 6
Is our 3D printer we acquired the largest approximately 2.7 meters in high and 1.5 meters in width to cover many sectors needed by the market demand
This line will be set in 2 months

Project 7
Poultry Meal
Paradetect Bangladesh is buying from Paradetect UAE for its chicken farm in Bangladesh which is regarded to be one of the major chicken farms in and I am glad to say that we have already set up the first deal

This is only a summary of some of the activities that I am involved in as a CEO of Paradetect UAE and as a member of the Paradetect International Team

I am hoping by this article that I succeeded in drawing more investors to Participate in funding and financing some of or all of our projects that I am already involved in

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