
About us

Paradetect is a website that deals with paranormal investigations, anomalies studies and phenomenal occurrences.

Different types of services and assistance in the form of consultancy, services and products which will be made accessible through this site, alongside an ample of up to date data and live investigative research with live feedback which we hope will meet the satisfaction of all interested individuals in the unknown, the beyond and the inner.

Our main interest is to observe the influence of such events on human behavior and his participation in social structure, as well as his role and recognition and how it would affect his individuality in various cultures.

Our forum will be tackling all types of social and scientific issues and topics. Our activities will vary covering educational, commercial and social arena.

Many questions are there, since the dawn of humanity, we, inhabitants of this wonderful and kind planet never ceased our quest for knowledge and self improvement, many times we erred, and nonetheless, we had our few success stories to register in our modern Hall of Amanti in all fields of studies and research. This site will endeavor to make available all what is related to the Para and the Meta, and offer all possible assistance to those in pursuit of wisdom of the ancient and the new. We therefore invite all of you who are interested to take your first step towards one gigantic leap forward, and make use and utilize our access to north and south, east and west, above and below and what lies beneath, and even dare to see beyond our three dimensions.

To give a hint; there is an origin to every myth, Ali Baba and his flying carpet, black and white magic, anti matter or dark matter, white noise or extraterrestrials, all of it are but a portion of strings of information at the non and subconscious levels carried on with us from generation to generation, most times left untapped.

Join us and let’s explore this vast realm of neverland. Ascend with us toward the heavens and enjoy a sip or two from our spiritual elixir of the preserved and the forbidden.


At Paradetect.com we offer many services and facilities.

Our trade and commerce department deals with all sorts of projects which spread all over the globe.

We are agents and currently marketing the LYDA ATV and motorcycle in the Middle East and we are seeking distributors to immediately start submitting their applications including a summary of their commercial background and the region they seek to distribute the LYDA within.

We are the agent for the WINAURA products for The LEBANON and marketing this product throughout the Middle East as well.

We publish and distribute books. Our first published is the book of SAKATAT BABEL, a comparative study covering the end of days prophecies in ancient and current beliefs and religions written by A. El Masri. THE WHALE SCOUTS SUMMER VACATION an adventure written by a twelve year old young author Marmarah El Masri, BOOM English grammar guide, Written by Mark Graham. And we have more coming your way soon.

We are buyers for jet fuel, D2 and other petrochemical related products.

Development: we are currently working on developing a one of its kind spiritual and meditation resort in Indonesia and the Middle East.

And there is lot more to come.

Investors are needed in many projects and in several regions, mainly Indonesia and the Middle East.

For those interested in participating or contributing to any of our activities you may contact us at info@paradetect.com for further details and information.

Paradetect Team