
The Art of Social Media

    What is its goal and target? Interaction is the tool of social media, positive interaction enables us to obtain useful feedback from the public, with healthy targeted interaction we are able to create, share and exchange ideas, ideas forms the basic matrix of evolution, progress and social human advancement.


Projection is another human defense mechanism that helps people escape an unacceptable reality, by projection one tend to accuse others of his own ills or disliked qualities by ascribing them to others. By projection one may initiate a negative thought or feeling and simply pin it on others ironically applying the do unto others as […]


    Freud suggested that at times of anxiety provoking situation with failure to deal with it people tend to protect themselves by retreating to an earlier stage of development. Regression is a defense mechanism amongst many that we possess as tools to help us coup with the hardships we face in our lives, though […]

Face Lifting

    Face lifting and facial cleansing with our new essential oils formula is never better. We gladly announce the opening of an opportunity for all of our clients and visitors to witness the demonstration of our new essential oils formula and energy healing technique application for face lifting and facial cleansing free of any […]