
Doom 2012

    2012 sunspot 30 to 50 % stronger… According to physicist Mausimi Dikpati 2012 will witness a peak in sunspot activity that is 30 to 50 % stronger than its previous, this may have an immediate effect on our earth climate, it may disrupt our global communication system with any other technology related to […]


    Iran/Hezbollah… Check mate… The final hour of this historical moment is approaching in this international tournament of chess game between the ancient masters of chess and the new prince in the hood.

Canons of Success

    Success is a dictionary in itself, it varies in measure based upon individual feats and achievements hence the term the “measure of success”… However, and no matter what measures of success one applies, it will always rely on the basic canons to attain it. Those canons where not invented by philosophers or theologians, […]