
Magical Ginkgo Biloba

    The maiden hair tree, Extinct thought of at one stage of history till it was rediscovered again thanks to Buddhist Monks in China, who secretly preserved several hundred trees from the massacre of bush fires and wood loggers who manages to strip any forest naked of any of its rare vegetations.

Living in a Community

    A Salute full of love… In the past 2 months, I was given a new assignment aimed to practice what I learned and put it into practical application. The assignment involved changing my location of residence as I enrolled myself in a new management system at a restaurant in a nice and touristic […]


Twilight born facts… One of our visitors forwarded a question to our investigating mythology team inquiring about Vampires, and since I personally found this myth fascinating due to the attention it managed to capture across centuries of legends and tales throughout human culture ancient and current in all languages and tongues and last magnified by […]