
Symbols in Dream

    Symbols in a dream, are actually the elements that make up the details. Even specific actions are sometimes symbols (such as falling). In the dream above about the hall, the pictures, ceiling, arches, paintings and even the mouse, are all dream symbols. All the little details mean something. Symbols, for the most part, […]


    Introducing to our Para Community the PARADETECT LIAISON and representative in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai: Paradetect gladly introduces our Para Liaison Dubai and the United Arab Emirates Mrs. S. Mousa. Mrs. Mousa has been an active member since day one of the formation of PARADETECT and has performed many promotional activities and […]

Soul Mates

Many of our members asked me to write an article describing soul mates to bring them to a closer and more unified definition of this term. The term soul mate is widely used nowadays, and its definition varies from culture to culture and person to person, while it remains an interesting subject surrounded by all […]

Tips for Paranormal Investigators

  Assign Tasks… Give everyone that is with you a different task. One should be taking notes, another should be monitoring the DVR, with another taking the pictures with the digital camera. Any equipment such as data loggers, EMF meters, thermometers, etc. should have constant monitoring for changes, especially if no data loggers are being used. […]