
The Orbs Phenomena

One of our members sent us this collection of pictures taken outside her house in Quebec – Canada, where orbs are often sited due to the cold weather. Please help us investigate these orbs by studying the pictures and send us your comments thru our Contact Us. We invite all of you to participate. Member […]


Our method introduces meditation as, a reconciliation method to modern way living. It focuses on what is priority consumption and what is secondary. We need to start learning about our true needs. Needs that enhances our perceptions of ideals and morals, and improves our temporary role on this planet. Let us start with the tools […]

Lord Of The Rings

This movie is so intriguing, one can watch it over and over, and yet, still manages to enjoy every single event that takes place in it, or even the music and the theme, or the actors and players of every role. It’s truly a piece of art. I felt I had to say something about […]