
Pattern of Behavior

It is the knowledge of the principal of cause and effect that dictates the patterns of behavior amongst us. Few of us are actually aware of this fact. While most of us are not so much concerned about principals, ruling out all causes and most effects, delving and indulging in daily activities of life without […]

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

Extra Sensory Perception, also known as ESP is a gift from God, and it is considered as one of the psychic abilities because human beings normally judge those certain gifts upon our other ‘normal’ five senses which are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, and smelling. People who have this special talent are believed to have the […]

Ghost Hunting

Poltergeist… As we were in the mountains of north Lebanon, we heard of a haunted house in a very remote location situated in a valley with only few houses spread with their light beaming through the wild, quiet , dark and lonely night, like twinkling stars amidst the vast skies scattered around, communicating with ones […]

Sakatat Babel

This book in its three parts speaks of contemporary facts relating to current political and natural events, and compares them with the afore mentioned in the prophecies associated with the end of time mentioned in the Old Testament, which has been revealed to The Prophet Daniel (Daniel Prophecy), The Prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah and other […]

Abu Bilal

Is a name to remember! He is a very witty character, yet very capable paranormal medium with a specialty to find lost valuables and helps to set ones positive energy into motion. When Abu Bilal is around, one feels as if he is dealing with a harry potter movie character. Abu Bilal once made a […]