
Iran and Ramadi Orchestrated Withdrawal

    The sudden withdrawal of the Iraqi armed forces from Ramadi was illogical and unrealistic. According to US secretary of defense Ash Carter “says fall of Ramadi shows Iraqi forces lack will to fight Isis Carter added, defenders vastly outnumbered Islamic State fighters in the Anbar Provence”.

Auraiel Announcement

   Auraiel Soap is now available in the United States and the United Arab Emirates. For further details how you can get Auraiel Soap Contact us or whatsapp or call +971 56 161 6696 Para Team  

Stardust of Energy

Energy is a property of objects, transferable among them via fundamental interaction, which can be converted into different forms but not created or destroyed. In the case of human or living beings, energy is the properties of our physical, spiritual and mental form transferable through our bodies in a process of cycling and recycling such […]

Red Mercury lll

As I was on stop in Dubai I received a phone call from one of our chief investigators  asking if I could interrupt my trip and redirect to location to investigate another red mercury related claim. when I questioned the urgency He informed me of a new case that needs to be investigated, a case […]


Close encounter with possessed claim… It was one sunny afternoon in early June 2011 when one of our affiliates contacted me to inform me of a client requesting a session with me related to possession claim.

Secret of Achievement

    Being an achiever in life is a blessing few people ever enjoy during a lifetime. What achievers have others do not have is what makes the difference between the fine thread that separates failure from success.

Ouija Board

A portal to the spirit realm… For those not familiar with Ouija Board it is a flat board usually made of wood marked with the alphabet letters, numbers from 1 to 9 and the words Yes and No, some latter editions added the Hello and Goodbye on it…