
Healing Magic

Light & Sound… Merging science and spirituality is our mission. Scientific research of the healing effect of specific sounds on DNA and water cell proved that specific tunes can repair and heal damaged water cells.

Message to the Next Jihadi

  Paris, Beirut, Turkey – Ask yourself why you want to kill as many with your suicidal tendencies, are you doing it in the name of religion or is it a personal vendetta against those who you failed to merge with…

The Secret Shadows from Other Dimensions

An unprecedented finding will be revealed in this article… Did you ever experience seeing shadows in an empty dark space? Read the article to know why… For those first timers who browse through our articles Paradetect focuses on finding  feasible explanation   for anomalies  and the unexplained paranormal events engulfing our daily events while unnoticed by […]

Beirut – The Rubbish Capital of the World

    Ten thousand people or less demonstrate in a public protest against the piling of rubbish on the streets and couple of hundreds of villages across the country. A protest started with demands to find an immediate solution leading to the disposal of Lebanese national waist and ended with a call for a total […]


Beginning of perpetual journey… He is the seventh generation of Adam, the son of Jared and father to methuselah. It is said he was raised up in Babylon and at the age of forty he acquired his initiation into the realm of Prophethood, a messenger he preached the word of God and when God ascended […]

Depression Syndrome – Causes and Treatment

Since lack of happiness and contentment may become the main cause for depression and since an emotional shock may play a major role in different types and levels of depression, spirituality may also play a major role in treating all types of depression and may also save the depressed from reverting to anti-depressants flooding the […]