
XWrinkles Oil

    Auraiel Anti Ageing Oil… Face lifting and facial cleansing with our new essential oils formula is never better. We gladly announce the opening of an opportunity for all of our clients and visitors to witness the demonstration of our new essential oils formula and energy healing technique application for face lifting and facial […]

Para Energy Healing at work – Mr. F. E

  Weight Loss… Mr. F. E is a business man who travels a lot with an immense pressure and chaotic living, he seldom eat at home or on time and his overweight exceeded the health limits. Mr. F. E went to many nutritionists and professionals including medical doctors hoping that somehow one of them would […]

Aliens – Fact or Fiction

Alien’s debate remerged after an interview with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who confirmed alien’s existence stating that they even walk amongst us and are behind some of the modern technology that we enjoy today such as microchip, and LED light…

Meditation – Back to Basics

      A vague title as it may sound but what would a person do when one loses his or her bearings when in an attempt to escape harshness he or she detach or lose touch with bitter reality. This happens frequently in this day and age. Due to disorientation, lack of resources or […]